Wednesday 24 March 2021

Smoked (Not Waxed) Duck, Sambal Long Beans & Noodle For Dinner

One of the joy we get from our early morning walk is getting to witness the beauty of sunrises.

Sunrise through the trees.
I am glad that I have used up most of the frozen foodstuff from the freezer. In the midst of clearing, I found a piece of smoked (not waxed) duck which I thawed and steamed for dinner. Sorry for my mistake. I typed waxed instead of smoked duck.
Boneless smoked waxed duck given by a friend.
Home grown long beans cooked with dried prawns sambal.
Only 1 potato left in the fridge. I boiled the potato, peeled off the skin, cut into wedges and drizzled with roasted sesame dressing.
Noodle for hubby and boiled potato for me.
Simple dinner for 2 people.
Pink Mexican Petunia (Pink Showers).
They can self propagate by dispersing their seeds. They grow well and do not need much care. Once they are allowed to bloom in your garden, they will stay.

So overflowing is his kindness toward us that he took away
all our sins through the blood of his Son, by whom we are saved;
and he has showered down upon us the richness of his grace - for
how well he understands us and knows what is best for us at all times.
(Ephesians 1:7-8, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Hi Nancy, I think I have some of those mexican oetunia that i grow in my balcony to screen me from being spotted afar

    1. Thank you, Wardina. Mexican petunia are hardy and easy to grow.

  2. The sunrise shot is just beautiful. Love your homemade meal!

  3. That Mexican petunia is a beautiful color.

  4. ...waxed duck is new to me!

    1. Not everyone likes waxed duck but hubby and I love it.

  5. Duck & noodles really looks good for me. My wife doesn't like noodle so she'll have the potatoes. Have a great day Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  6. We rarely go out to eat anymore. Only when we're boating. Your dinner looks fabulous.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  7. Oh so interesting dishes darling

  8. I am so grateful and happy that you are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party today. Celebrating with you and other friends was the best part of the day. - Slobbery Kisses Cinnamon

    1. You are welcome, Cinnamon. I am glad you enjoy your birthday celebration.

  9. Tudo com muito bom aspeto e a fazer crescer água na boca.
    Bom apetite!
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

  10. Waxed duck is s new one on me! Love the Petunia. Cheers Diane

  11. Dear friend! Boneless Waxed Duck and noodles look amazing. Sun-Rise pic is wonderful. Happy day.

  12. Wow gorgeous meal! and the Petunia is fabulous! I'll be finding how to get them here as we are in a good zone for them! Cheers!

    1. These petunias are hardy and easy to grow in most soil conditions.

  13. Not a fan of waxed meat. I still have some, hubby bought before cny.

  14. Sunrises and petunias, so pretty!

  15. Your simple dinner looks delicious. I always love petunias.

  16. I would gladly let the flowers propagate themselves in my garden because they are very pretty. The waxed duck meat looks a lot and tasty. I wonder whether I can buy it from supermarkets here in the frozen sections. Where did your friend buy it, do you know?

    1. My friend bought it from a shop in Bercham.

  17. Is that waxed duck? Looks more like roasted. My hubby likes waxed duck, I can't stand it.

    1. Oh dear, I just realized I made a mistake. It is not waxed duck, its actually smoked duck. I prefer smoked duck to Waxed duck. My hubby also likes waxed duck.

  18. Las petunias se ven bonitas. Besos.

  19. Pretty flowers and sunrise!

    I'm happy to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up.

  20. Oh I have never thought of eating potatoes with roasted sesame dressing, interesting, is it nice?

    1. I like it because the sesame dressing if very flavourful.


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