Thursday 29 July 2021

Fried Fish, Angled Luffa, Daikon + Carrot Soup

This was 2 Mondays ago. Weather was hot and humid.

Fluffy cottony sky at 7:50am.
For breakfast, we had glutinous rice dumpling and leftover rice porridge.
This was our breakfast. I had mine with unsweetened black coffee and hubby had his with milo.
Angled luffa waiting to be harvested in my garden.
These were the first 2 luffa harvested from the vines. Each luffa measured about 1.5 feet. I will be cooking these luffa for dinner.
Received a comb of banana from our neighbour.
Angled luffa cooked with garlic, dried shrimp and egg.
Fried grouper slice topped with fried ginger strips, garlic oil & soy sauce.
Soup: Daikon, carrot, red dates, goji berries, and pork bones.
Soup is good for hot and humid weather.
Dinner: 3 dishes with steamed rice.
After cooking dinner, I have to take a rest, dry my sweat and take a bath before I can settle down to enjoy my dinner in comfort.

Lord, you know the hopes of humble people.
Surely you will hear their cries and
comfort their hearts by helping them.
You will be with the orphans and all who are oppressed,
so that mere earthly man will terrify them no longer.
(Psalm 10:17-18, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I like your dinner especially the angled luffa, soft and tasty to eat. The sauce of the luffa dish must be very tasty too.

    1. The sauce of the luffa dish is sweet and tasty.

  2. What did you have for lunch?

    1. I ate some of this and that, whatever I can find in the house. Hubby will go out to buy something if he is hungry.

  3. Aha!!! I had glutinous rice dumpling for breakfast too, the Hakka variety with peanuts. It's in my blogpost today. Are those what we call kay leng chio? I also bought some this morning at the shop near my house. We like these best!
    Oh? So those ketola is called luffa, eh? I never bothered to find out the English name. We like it too, fried with egg or in soup. Lucky you, you have your own and SO MANY some more!!! I'm eating my heart out! LOL!!!

    1. The ladies in the house love daikon - I think it is a common feature in Korean cuisine. My late father would not touch it - he said it would "wash away whatever medicine one takes". I guess it detoxifies, not for people on any kind of medication.

    2. I don't know the name of the banana but in the old days these were used to feed pigs. The banana usually has seeds in them, but I like the taste and texture of the bananas. The elderly people will say that these bananas won't give you wind.

    3. I love daikon too. I know that many elderly people won't eat daikon for the same reason that your late father gave. They believe that this is especially so for those taking Chinese medicine or herbs.

  4. That's a nice sky, clouds like that fascinate me but then all clouds do.
    Your produce is good and looking good.

  5. Weather jas been very warm lately but most evening we will have crazy thunderstorm here. Today is very hot, no sight of rain from look of thing.

    I love your dinner, especially the fried fish. Generous topping. I love soup too, so easy, just put everything in it.

    1. Thank you, Rose. According to the weather forecast there will be rain but so far not even a drop of rain.

  6. That morning sky is just beautiful, Nancy.I love the fried fish and the soup.

  7. Wah...I am so impressed with your angled luffa! They look so beautiful and you had such a good harvest.

    1. Thank you, PH. All those hanging luffa were harvested. Now I am waiting for the 2nd harvest.

  8. I am also like PH, I am super impress with your luffa gourds. So many of them. Did you count how many of them? Wishing you a bountiful harvest for all your plants!

    1. Thank you, Mun. For the first round, 9 luffas were harvest and 4 were given away to neighbour and friend. There are few more waiting to be harvested.

    2. Yes, enough to share with a friend and neighbour.

  9. ...I would like a banana right about now.

  10. I do like the patterns in that sky.

  11. Wow this plant from your garden look so awesome . Like always awesome pictures of dishes xx


  12. I love bananas, they are tasty. A beautiful photo of the sky. :)

  13. Love your sky shots. Beautiful.

    Yummy on the food as always.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Genial comida adoro el platano y el pescado . Te mando un beso

  15. Never seen a banana tree.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  16. Hola de nuevo, Nancy. En Sevilla, la ciudad donde vivo, cuando tenemos el cielo cubierto de nubes como la que se ve en tu fotografía, decimos que el cielo está "aborregado", porque se parece mucho a un rebaño de borregos y ovejas.
    Tomo nota del plato de luffa, y lo haré sin encuentro los camarones secos, pero con calabacines, que son muy parecidos, ya que la luffa escasea por aquí.
    Ahora bien, lo que seguro que voy a cocinar es el mero frito, ya que todos los ingredientes se encuentran fácilmente y porque el mero que se compran en los mercados es muy bueno, fresco, y pescado en nuestras costas.
    Ya lo dice un refrán español: "Del mar, el mero, y de la tierra, el carnero".
    Que disfrutes de un buen fin de semana.

    1. Thank you, Manuel. If you can't fine luffa, zucchini will make a good substitute. Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Tu comida se ve muy buena, especialmente la sopa. Besos.

  18. Your green thumb shows itself! Such a healthy luffa plant and so many fruit.

    1. Thank you, Stacy. I am very thankful for the good harvest.


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