Monday 16 August 2021

Sambal Prawn Noodle, Durian, ABC Soup With Corn

This was a Thursday.

Took this sunrise shot at 7am before we start our morning walk.
We pass by this abandoned house every time we use this route.
Chinese art mural on the wall of a Chinese school.
On our way home, we stopped to collect our breakfast.
Economy beehoon with sambal prawns and potato.
Chilled durians for lunch.
My Bugs Bunny Kitchen Timer.
Got this for free when we visited a Home Decor exhibition years ago. This timer is very useful in reminding me if I have something slow cooking in the kitchen. These days, I tend to be forgetful.
ABC Soup
Ingredients used: Potato, carrot, tomato, onions, corn, and soft bone pork.
Blanched green vegetable (choy fah), drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Thankful for this dinner and grateful for God's provision.

Linking to Monday Mural.

Oh, how grateful and thankful I am to the Lord because he is so good,
I will sing praise to the  to the name of the Lord who is above all lords.
(Psalm 7:17, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. What a ınteresting foods :) thanks for your sharing...

  2. Gorgeous sky shot!
    Yummy food display!

  3. Fresh durians look so good.That homemade meal is gold :-))

  4. Your economy beehoon with sambal prawns never fails to make me drool. I wish I could buy something like that here. Aha!!! ABC soup with corn, just the way I like it!!!

    1. Whose house is that? What a waste! With some renovations and restoration, I am sure that will make a very nice home!

    2. The spicy beehoon with sambal prawns or chicken is our favourite. We also love corn in ABC soup.

    3. We don't know the owner of the house. Sad to see the house abandoned like that or why it was abandoned.

  5. Economy bee hoon with sambal prawns and potatoes looks good. Have them with rice also nice. Do you feel eerie each time you passby the abandoned house. The bunny timer is cute and practical. Sometimes just one soup and one dish for my dinner is enough, like your dinner, because the soup itself got a lot of ingredients.

    1. No, I don't feel eerie each time I pass by this house because it is morning and bright. Any the house is surrounded by other houses.

  6. I am so curious what is the durian flavor - so many, many great dishes xx

  7. Es una pena -por lo delicioso que deben de estar-, que en los restaurantes chinos que hay en Sevilla, no se cocinen este tipo de comidas.
    Tu entrada como siempre me ha gustado mucho, así que gracias por compartir.
    Un abrazo.


  8. oh my god your beehon and sambal udang is so delicious. I should get nasi lemak and sambal udang for tomorrow lah

    1. They also sell nasi lemak with sambal udang or chicken but I prefer beehoon because it is not so filling.

  9. ...I always wonder why homes are abandoned.

    1. I feel it is a waste to abandoned the houses, should have put it to good use.

  10. What a beautiful sky photo!

    With a bit of remodeling the abandoned house could be a beauty!

    I love murals!

    I've never tried prawns, not a big seafood lover. I thought the durians were chicken but I Googled it and was surprised it's a fruit! The ABC soup looks good, I'm a soup lover! I love bok choy but have never had or heard of choy fah.

    I love the Bugs Bunny Timer :)

    I hop you have a great week!

  11. Beautiful foods! Love the mural too!

  12. Three wonderful meals. I love that breakfast you picked up. Looks amazing.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

  13. El desayuno no lo hago muy copioso. Primero tomo un zumo de frutas y despúés paso a tomar un café, acompañada de una tostada bien de mantequila o de aceite con una loncha fina de jamón y luego ya en el almuerzo, suelo comer un primer plato, dependiendo de que sea invierno o verano, para la elección del menú. En invierno se suele tomar un plato de guiso bien caliente y algo de carne o pescado en el segundo plato, acompañado de una guarnición de fruta. De verano comemos comidas refrescantes, como es el salmorejo cordobés. Se hace con un poco de sal, unas gotas de vinagre, ajos, pan, tomates y aceite. Todo eso se pasa por la batidora y después se le añade huevos duros picado y taquitos pequeñitos de jamón. Se mete en el frigorífico y se sirve bien frío....Hay que tener en cuenta , que aquí los veranos son muy calurosos, hoy por ejemplo la temperatura máxima ha llegado a los 45º.

    De segundo, pescado o carne y de postre fruta.

    La cena no la hago tampoco muy copiosa , una tortilla francesa de 2 huevos o una cuña de tortilla de patatas...eso es para poner solo un ejemplo, no quiero que sea demasiado largo el comentario y te llegues a cansar.


    1. Thank you for sharing about your breakfast and dinner. Few weeks ago it was hot here but for the past week it rained and it is raining now.


  14. I like to wonder sometimes who lived in the abandoned house. My funny timer looks like a hen :) Nile week :)

    1. For some reasons they owner choose to leave the house in a sad state. Have a nice week too.

  15. Am truly grateful and thankful for God's provision. Thank you for the reminder. Your bunny timer uses batteries, right?

    1. The bunny timer don't need any battery. Just turn to wind and it will unwind and the alarm will go off when the time is up.

    2. Oh, good then no need batteries. Thanks for your reply.

    3. This is my 3rd timer, hope it will last.

  16. Thanks for sharing the foods look great with hot tea

  17. I love your timer, and the delicious looking soup!

  18. It's too bad that house is abandoned, because that is a gorgeous mural.

    1. The abandoned house is opposite the murals.

  19. Te deseo una buena semana y me gusto el fideo con gambas te mando un beso

  20. Abandoned houses always make me a bit sad. The mural is interesting and i really like that kitchen timer.

  21. I like all sort of veggies in my soups.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I love veggies too. Take care and stay safe.

  22. Beautiful pink sunrise sky. Wonder why the house is abandoned despite looking good enough.

  23. The Chinese mural is quite beautiful Nancy.
    I love the blanched Chinese style green vegetables. When we go to the Chinese restaurant I always order them.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  24. Buildings that have been abandoned for a long time will need a lot of restoration.

    Generous portion of prawns in that sambal.

    1. The one who buys over this house will have to be prepared to spend a lot of money on the renovation.

  25. Muy buenas tus comidas Nancy. Besos.


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