Friday 14 January 2022

Sweet, Sour & Spicy Pork Leg With White Radish

When I harvested the first 3 white radish or diakon from the vegetable patch, I used them to boiled soup with pork ribs. The second time I harvested, I gave all three to a friend. For the third time, I pulled out 6 except for 4 plants which I let them be in the vegetable patch.

With the white radish or diakon, I will be cooking the above sweet, sour and spicy pork. I haven't cook this dish for a long time. So after our morning walk on Wednesday morning, I stopped to buy a pork leg. I prefer the front leg which has more meat than fat.
We started our morning walk on Wednesday morning at about 6:50am.
Lovely pink sky.
Even the cloud is pink.
Home cooked dinner.
Here are the home grown white radish.
They are of different sizes and shapes.
Ingredients used:
1 pork leg, white radish, chopped garlic, chopped shallots, about 15gm dried chillies (soaked), tamarind slices or pickled sour plum, tamarind paste, tau cheong or fermented soy bean, dark soy sauce for colouring, salt and sugar to taste. When cooked, I divide into 3 portions. 1 for our neighbour, 1 for dinner and 1 portion kept in the fridge for next day's dinner. This dish gets more flavourful and tastier the next day.
I went into the garden in search for greens. I saw one single big green amaranth. I pulled out the green amaranth and harvest some chive flowers. I sauteed them together with garlic and salt to make up this dish. Anything is better than no greens.
I took a snapshot of this unique colour flower growing in front of a house which we passed by on our morning walk. I googled and the name of this flower is Tecoma Stans Orange Jubilee.

For it is a jubilee and is to be holy for you;
eat only what is taken directly from the fields.
Leviticus 25:12, New International Version-NIV)


  1. I never had pork leg cooked that way - I sure would love to give it a try!

    1. Anything that is sourish and spicy is appetizing to me. I hope you will like it.

  2. Love the colours of the morning photos, nice food, too, Valerie

  3. Beautiful sky indeed! And hmmm, the greens look very yummy.
    And the flowers - can´t wait for Spring!

  4. The morning sky is pleasing in pink, and I loved the orange jubilee! Anything cooked with a fresh harvest tastes good. Have a nice weekend

  5. ...keep looking up at the beauty of the sky and down at the beauty of the flowers!

  6. wow this sky in the morning looks awesome

  7. Looks delicious. A nice walk that I just finished and your food and I'm all set for the day.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a fabulous and wonderful weekend.

  8. That plate is as lovely as those greens.

  9. Blessings and happy new year.
    love the cloud shot.

  10. Hello Nancy,:=) Beautiful sky shots, and I would love to try that delicious looking pork leg dish, it's my kind of meal! Lovely orange Jubilee flowers.

  11. Those flowers are so pretty and look like butter cups. I love your pink sky.

  12. The orange yellow flowers are very pretty especially the colours. Sweet, Sour and Spicy Pork Leg With White Radish sounds so very tasty. Did you both eat the pork skin which is full of collagen goodness? So good that you have home grown green amaranth.

    1. Thank you, Mun. Yes, we ate the pork skin and fat together with the meat. I chose front leg because it has more lean meat.

  13. Looks yum and also pretty flowers 🌼!

  14. What a beautiful pink sky. The flowers are gorgeous, I have not seen this kind before. They look kind of trumpet shaped?

  15. All so yummy and those sky shots are gorgeous. Have a great weekend Nancy!

    1. Thank you, Martha. Have a great weekend too.

  16. The skies and flowers are beautiful. You are a very good cook!

  17. I love your beautiful pinkish skies. Your food again looks delicious.

  18. Drooling at the pork leg dish!


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