Saturday 26 March 2022

Kampua Noodle With Minced Pork + Diced Mushroom Topping

This was last Monday. When we work woke up, it was still drizzling.

I went out to check at about 7:20am and found that the drizzling has stopped.
I went in to inform hubby and to change into my walking attire.
Surprise that the moon was still visible at the time.
This is the best I can manage with my old phone camera.
Up on my right, this mourning dove was making its "coo, coo" sound.
We had the following for dinner.
I used the last 2 remaining dried kampua noodle that my son bought in Sitiawan to cook for dinner.
I cooked minced pork with diced mushrooms with chopped garlic, oyster sauce, dark and light soy sauce, salt & sugar to taste. Before serving, mix the noodle with topping.
Steamed home grown long green okra or ladies finger and topped with crunchy chili oil, oyster and soy sauce.
Chinese sausages, sliced and pan fried.
Simple and satisfying dinner for 2 people.
My dear friend shared with me this photo of a moth that she found in her garden.
Photo credited to Maguerita.
Using Google Lens, it looks like the Slug Moth.
Can someone please help to identify this moth? Thank you.

Beware of false teachers who come disguised as harmless sheep,
but are wolves and will tear you apart.
You can detect them by the way they act,
just as you can identify a tree by its fruit.
You need never confuse grapevines with thorn
bushes or figs with thistles. Different kinds of fruit trees
can quickly be identified by examining their fruit.
(Matthew 7:15-17, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Your photo of the moon and palm tree is beautiful. This is the weirdest moth I have ever seen!

    1. Thank you, Ginny. Yes, this is my first time too.

  2. Wish I could try the Sitiawan kampua mee. Family and friends who have tried said they are not the same as the Sibu kampua mee. One actually liked the Sitiawan kompia, also not the same as what we have here.

    1. I think if we do not compare them, we can actually better enjoy them.

  3. Wonderful food and photos. That moth is incredible! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Beautiful pics, oh, rain, or drizzle, sounds great. I still hope to one day taste okra!

    1. Thank you, Iris. Looks like going to rain here any moment because the sky is looking dark. Hope you will be able to taste okra or ladies finger one day.

  5. Your homecooked kampua noodles plus side dishes make for a very tasty dinner. That moth is so scary looking!

  6. Hello Nancy,:=) Lovely sky capture with the moon still viable. Your pork and noodle dish is my kind of food. I wish I could taste it. The side dish with noodles looks good too. What an extraordinary looking moth, it looks like it has two leaves on it's back. I have never seen one like this.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Hello Nancy,
    Pretty sky and moon captures. Looks like a great day, nice shot of the Mourning Dove. Your meal look delicious. That is a weird looking moth, I have never seen one like this. Thanks to your friend for sharing the moth photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Have a good week.

  8. your Kampua Noodle With Minced Pork for dinner looks like those bought from stalls, so professional. The moth sure does look like slug moth though I am not an expert on this. I believe you mean when we woke up instead of work up in the 1st paragraph, right?

    1. Thanks Mun for pointing out the mistake. I have corrected the spelling.

  9. ...what an interesting moth, one that I have never seen. Nancy, enjoy a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you, Tom. Have a wonderful new week.

  10. Aunque no lleves la cámara fotográfica contigo, siempre está el móvil para fotografíar.

    Aquí hemos tenido varios meses de sequía y llevamos unos días de lluvia, aunque hoy parece que se ha tomado una tregua. El inconveniente, es que la lluvia ha venido mezclada con el polvo del desierto y por dónde va pasando, lo deja todo perdido de suciedad.


    1. Oh dear, I do hope another day of rain will help wash away the dirt.

  11. Sunrise pictures and other photos are beautiful. As always good food too. This moth looks interesting, but this is the first time I noticed such a moth.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you, Amila. Have a wonderful new week.

  12. I miss those Chinese sausages. The stirfried okra looks delicious and healthy.

  13. That moth is just amazing! I'm not very good with IDs but it is unique! Love your dove and tasty food this week too!

  14. The moth was very unusual. I've never seen this one before. Your dish was very good Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Nancy I read that okra is used to thicken sauces. I would like to know what it tastes like but I haven't seen it around here.
    How ugly is that moth!

    1. Hi Norma, using okra to thicken sauces is new to me. I don't know how to describe the taste of okra but it is cut, it does give out a slimy substance.

  16. Hola Nancy. Preciosas fotos del amanecer y sabrosos platos. La polilla es muy curiosa y es la primera vez que la veo. Besos.

  17. Such pretty skies, i'm glad it cleared up just in time for a walk.

    Your cooking looks delicious.

  18. Your photo of the moon is wonderful, nice post

  19. Ricos fideos y la foto de la polilla me dio cosas. Te mando un beso.

  20. The bird looks so lonely.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  21. Me parece muy bien esa sana costumbre de salir a caminar aunque el tiempo no acompañe. Por aquí solemos decir: a mal tiempo, buena cara.
    La cena se ve muy apetitosa, y me ha llamado la atención la comida de los fideos que llevó tu hijo, el que le echaras azúcar, ya que nunca probé los fideos o la carne de cerdo, en dulce.
    Gracias por compartir, amiga Nancy.
    Y te envío un abrazo, desde Sevilla.

  22. Sky shots look great (especially photo of moon)! Also home grown okra looks great. Have a nice newweek.


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