Monday 5 June 2023

Preparing For 4th Chemo

After returning from the 3th chemo treatment, I was feeling good for the first two days. On the third day onwards, probably due to the hot and dry weather, I started to feel easily tired. I can't sit up for long and I prefer to lay down on bed. Usually, I will be watching some drama on my tablet, mobile or doze off to sleep. 

Then after the days of laying on bed, I begin to feel more energetic till today when I can sit up longer to prepare this post. This morning I went to the hospital for the pre chemo blood test. Tomorrow morning, I will be admitted to the hospital for the chemo treatment. While I was still at the hospital, hubby went up to the 2nd floor when I will be admitted to try to book a place in the 2 bedded room. The nurse told him that they have already booked the room for me. After that, we went home.

Sunrise at 6:40am on the 28th May, a week after my chemo treatment.
Sunrise at 7:15am on the same day as above.
Sunrise at 7:17am on the same day.
Sunrise at 7:17am on the same day.
Egret in our neighbourhood.
 Only can see 1 Egret.
This Egret must be looking for food.
Bauhinia Kockania in front of my house.
It loves hot weather and is now blooming happily.
Found this mural of geese on the wall of a school in Tanjung Tualang.

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me;
He has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor;
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and
to announce that captives shall be released
and the blind shall see,
that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors,
and that God is ready to give blessings to all who come to him".
(Luke 4:18-19, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I have never seen an Egret of this kind. The flowers are beautiful. I cannot imagine how exhausted chemo makes you, among other things. Yet you never complain, you are so brave!!

    1. Thank you, Ginny. Yes, chemo is very exhausting but it is by the grace and strength of God that keeps me going strong.

  2. I hope all goes well and the chemo helps! This must be hard for all of you. The fear must be in everyone´s heart.
    Beautiful mural.

    1. Thank you, Iris. I dread it but it has to be done.

  3. It is strange Nancy but I was thinking, were you tired as I've heard people say/and read after having Chemo, and I look on your page begin to read and it's what you have written about.
    Rest well, and take care......the photos are lovely, glorious sunrise and such beautiful flowers in front of your house, must be a pleasure to see.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Some times I feel very tired after chemo treatment but there are days that I do feel fine.

  4. I wish you all the luck in the world and say a prayer for you.

  5. May your coming chemo treatment go smoothly and that you stay well after that. You need lots of rest for healing. Your Bauhinia Kockania is simply beautiful. Some plants do very well in hot dry weather.

  6. I have been unwell quite a bit and I also feel lethargic, not much energy. I would just lie down and rest all the time. I am now feeling better but I still don't do much - will get tired if I walk too far. Just go slow, one day at a time.
    I pray your 4th round will go smoothly and successfully, God be with you and your loved ones through all this.

    1. Thank you, STP. As we age, we are no longer as fit and strong as before. Yes, go slow, one day at a time. Take care.

  7. I hope your 4th round of chemo goes well. I will be thinking of you ❤️ I love that geese mural and those are beautiful photos of the egret
    Julia x

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you for your prayer and have a great week.

  9. Beautiful sun-rise photos, the egret and the unusual mural with lots of geese. Very pretty :) Hope your 4th chemo session goes well. Have a good rest Nancy and thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  10. Hello Nancy,
    Beautiful sunrise images. I love the Egret, looks like breeding Cattle Egret?
    The flowers are lovely. The geese mural is wonderful. I hope all goes well with your chemo treatment. Sending prayers and well wishes. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for your prayers and well wishes. Thank you for hosting.

  11. I know it's a tough journey, but I'm confident that you'll get through it. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling more energetic after a few days of rest. I hope that continues, and that you're able to get through your next round of treatment without too much trouble. I love the photos you shared. The sunrises are beautiful, and the egret and the Bauhinia Kockania are lovely. The mural of the geese is also very creative.

  12. What a graceful Egret! The sunrises are amazing as usual, and the flowers are a beautiful sight! Wishing you a smooth, successful treatment dear Nancy!

  13. ...Nancy, I hope that your treatment goes well.

  14. All the best for the chemo. The skies and the heron look very nice indeed

  15. Espero que todo vaya bien Nancy. Las fotografías están muy bien, la garza no la había visto nunca. Un abrazo.

  16. All the best for tomorrow on your treatment. That is one close up shot of egret.

  17. Those sunrise shots are really beautiful. How many treatments do you need to go through?

    1. Altogether, I have to go through 9 treatments.

  18. Beautiful sky, flowers and bird.

    You remain in my thoughts and prayers, Nancy.

    Have a blessed day and week. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee for your thoughts and prayers.

  19. Nancy, I see that you don't talk to your plants but they appreciate how well you treat them. We have seen it in the vegetable harvests and the beautiful flowers that you have shown us.

    1. Thank you, Norma. Now, I hardly go to my garden because not much is growing there now.

  20. Love the photos, especially the Egret. Goodx luck for the 4th chemoe, I'm glad you have a 2 bed room. Sendxing hugs and prayers, Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie for your hugs and prayers.

  21. Glad that everything is so organized for you. Thanks for the pretty pictures, always something to smile about.

  22. Najważniejsze jest zdrowie życzę Ci z całego serca zdrowia. Piękne fotografie wschodu słońca i ptaka..

  23. Hello Nancy, good to hear from you. Please take as much rest as you need. Thank you for the photos of the egret. I wonder did it fly all the way from another country or was it born locally?

  24. I am glad you get more energy at times. I do have some energy but still have problems with my right ear. Will see what will be found in the CT scan I have on Wednesday. Plants still need watered as it has been warm on Sunday and a bit more today, Tues a bit hotter. I like the egret you saw, interesting bird. Prayers and virtual hugs, Becky

    1. Thank you, Becky for your hugs and prayers.

  25. that is nice they had the room all ready for you. The sunrise was just gorgeous, great way to start the morning! The Egret is pretty, that is different from any I have seen, that one has pretty coloring. Your flowers are just lovely too.

  26. Beautiful shots, I love that you are still taking photos despite reduced energy. Keep on going!!

  27. Those sunrise shots are beautiful, and i like the egret.

    My prayers are with you.

  28. My prayer for your 4th chemoe ... I hope everything will be okay...

    always love to see your pict that colorful with aves (in this time egret), flower, and food....Send virtual hug..

  29. Bella gacerta. Es pero que te mejores. Te mando un beso.

  30. One can only hope that these intrusive, and no doubt very unpleasant treatments, are having a positive effect, Nancy. People all over the world are thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome.

    1. Thank you, David. Have a wonderful new week.

  31. Hello Nancy, all the best for your 4th chemo. I will pray for your fast recovery.


  32. Hope everything goes well with your 4th chemo. Take care!

  33. Hope and pray alls well Nancy. Enjoyed your photography

  34. I pray that all goes well. Many hugs to you!


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