Tuesday 14 July 2020

Baked Beans And Vegetable Soup For Dinner

I actually have to redo this post because I accidentally removed the whole post and couldn't undo all that have been deleted. No one to blame except my own carelessness when I was trying to get accustomed to the new blogger setting/format.
This was our yesterday's breakfast - glutinous rice dumplings that I re-steamed.
Yes, I remember sharing a bigger than palm size yellow hibiscus in yesterday's post. This is a slightly smaller one but it is also bigger than my palm.
Simple homecooked dinner
I had home visitation to attend to in the afternoon, so in case that I returned home late, I boiled soup before I went out. Took out whatever were in the fridge and found the bitter gourd harvested the day before and a Chinese Mustard bought from the supermarket.
Ingredients for the soup: Pork ribs, bitter gourd, Chinese mustard, carrot, red dates and goji berries.
I have baked beans bought before the MCO (movement control order). I used a tin of baked beans, 2 eggs, 3 remaining pieces of ham, and some snake long beans harvested from my garden to cook the above dish.
We each had a bowl of soup and a plate of baked beans for dinner.
Our simple home cooked dinner without any steamed rice.
An antique jukebox found in one of the cafes I visited in Ipoh old town.

Linking to Happy Tuesday, Image-in-ing & Tuesday's Treasures.

Look here, you who say,
"Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town
and will stay there a year.
We will do business there and make a profit."
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?
Your life is like the morning fog - it's here a little while, then it's gone.
What you ought to say is,
"If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that."
(James 4:13-15, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Hello dear Nancy!
    Oh I love the old jukebox! I have so many memories from my youth !
    All your homemade meals are absolutely gorgeous!
    Have a lovely day! Stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a great day and stay safe too.

  2. I always loved going in to a diner and finding a jukebox.

    1. This one is for display and no longer in use.

  3. A plate of baked beans looks delicious. That presentation made me hungry.

  4. Having bitter gourd is quite effective to keep good health in summer.

    1. I was told that bitter gourd has cooling effect when consumed.

  5. ...Nacy, I've seen many jukeboxes, but never one like this. Thanks fpr sharing, take care and have a wonderful week.

  6. I liked the food and the yellow flower a lot

  7. Food looks good and we have backed beans on toast for lunch sometimes as a light lunch.
    That flower is large :)

    1. Thank you, Margaret. I like baked beans on toast too.

  8. I saw your first post and I typed a comment in it but couldn't post it and after that your post disappeared. Fortunately I saved my comment so I can paste it here again. Didn't realize the yellow hibiscus is so big, bigger than your palm. I thought they are very small from your photos yesterday. I like eating Bak Changs. Does your Bak chang have a piece of fatty meat in it?

    1. So sorry for the inconvenience caused by my deleted post. Yes, there is a big piece of fat with the lean in the bak chang.

    2. It is ok because I can easily retype my comments.

  9. Yummy on the food and that flower is huge. I also love the jukebox. I remember them very fondly.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

  10. Mustard leaves are a bit bitter and with your bitter gourd, the soup must have a special slightly bitter taste? But with carrots, dates and goji, it will be sweet too. Must be delicious the bitter sweet soup.

    1. You are right, it has a bitter sweet taste.

  11. I have a can of baked beans in the house so I think I will request for a dish like yours with eggs and ham but I don't have the long beans. Maybe will just use frozen green peas. So yummy! Don't have to eat rice but this dish should taste fantastic with bread. What did you eat for lunch? Fruits?

    1. I don't know what to do with the 3 long beans harvested from my garden, so I just added into the baked beans. I like baked beans with bread too. I usually eat fruits or some snacks for lunch.

  12. Thank you for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/07/sunflowers-beauty-on-stem.html

    1. Thank you, Sue for hosting. Have a great week.

  13. You inspire me to cook like you.

  14. I'm sure every once in their life has done that, I know I have. Smile, be happy. See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  15. Love the old jukebox. They used to be fun :-) Keep safe Diane

  16. WOW! Cool photos! ... and nice flower )))

  17. I love the beautiful old jukebox! I dread the new Blogger format, It will likely be so hard for me to learn.

    1. It took a while to get used to the new format.

  18. The plate with beans seems like a brazilian food.. Hummm it seems very good.

    It's Lizzie

  19. I have never eaten rice dumplings but I believe they are yummy.

  20. glutinous rice dumplings look delicious....yummy

  21. Someday i need to find a way to try dumplings.

    That is a big, beautiful flower!

  22. Wahhh... so healthy! I like the MCO season.. made us healthy too..

    1. Have been cooking every meal throughout MCO, now feeling lazy.

  23. What a delight to see the antique jukebox. Wonderful.

  24. You cooked a lot of soups, maybe i can steal some ideas of wat soup to cook from your blog hee hee.

    Same here, it took me sm time to get used to using the new blogger settings.

    1. My soup recipes are simple and easy, just dump everything in and boil.

  25. I do not like baked beans, just saying

    1. I don't mind having it once in a while especially when I don't know what to cook.

  26. Tus comidas siempre son interesantes. Besitos.

  27. Small dumplings and a big flower. :)

    Adding the long beans to the baked bean dish gives it a lovely pop of colour. I shall copy this idea hehe.

    1. A convenient way to use up the 2 long beans is to add to the baked beans.


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