Thursday 9 July 2020

Dinner At Wah Xing Restaurant, Taman Boon Bak, Ipoh

Yesterday morning at about 6:25 am, we started our morning walk. We were not alone, there was another man who did his daily jogging around the blocks of houses in front of ours.
I don't know whether you will be able to see the jogging man in the above photo.
That is hubby walking in front of me with a backpack on his back, holding a walking stick to ward off any attack of stray dogs.
Reached the park at about 6:50 am.
After our walk, we went to a nearby coffee shop for breakfast.
I didn't take any snapshots because we didn't order anything special.
A peace lily flower from my garden.
Dining out with friends.
We went to 2 restaurants and found them closed. So we finally settled for Wah Xing Restaurant at Taman Boon Bak, Ipoh. In accordance to the requirement of social distancing, we were given 2 tables put together to accommodate 6 people.
Fried tofu with minced pork.
Steamed Red Tilapia with savoury sauce.
Sauteed baby green vegetables with garlic.
Pork belly slices with salted fish in clay pot. This appetizing dish was almost covered by the generous amount of garnishing. I have to push some of the greens to the side to take this snapshot.

What happiness for those whose guilt has been forgiven!
What joys when sins are covered over!
What relief for those who have confessed their sins
and God has cleared their record.
(Psalm 32:1-2, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. my fav is pork belly with salted fish in claypot...can go with lotsa rice!

  2. The food looks nice. Was surprised to see that stick, but obviously there must be dogs that cause a problem.
    Take care.

  3. It is amazing how you get the energy for your morning walk on an empty stomach. Do you feel hungry while walking?

    1. I find it easier and lighter to walk with an empty stomach. A full stomach makes me lazy.

  4. So early the sky is so dark so quite scary to walk. Have to be extra careful. Can barely see the jogging man in photo 1. Was he wearing red or orange, a tiny dot at the far end of the road?

    1. Yes, that is the man who jogs every morning.

  5. Lovely white peace flower. Long time I didn't go out eat these type of dishes at an eatery. The food looks good. Good that they provided a serving spoon for each dish. Hopefully no one forgot and use own utensils to scoop food from the main dish, did they?

    1. It is common practice using the common spoon for each dish and we have no problem with it.

  6. Never been to this restaurant before... the food looks good too!

    1. If you haven't been, we can go there for our next foodie meet.

  7. Such a delicious meal! The lily looks beautiful.

  8. Hello dear Nancy!
    It’s so nice to go out for a walk ,so early in the morning! More safe i think!
    Like all the meals and the White Lily! So preety!
    Have a lovely day! Stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a wonderful day and stay safe too.

  9. The pork belly looks delicious, a great favourite of mine.

  10. Yes, I saw a jogging man quite distant....
    regular jogging make us healthy.

  11. ...there should be more peace and peace lilies!

  12. You sure get up early and go for your walks. Excellent.

    Oh your dinners. Delicious I'm sure.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. Big hug. ♥

  13. When do you get up because I get out of bed at 6:30 am while you are walking. Wow! Have a great day Nancy and keep safe.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. Take care and stay safe.

  14. Gosh it is still quite dark when you set out. Keep well Diane

  15. I like your photos of sky and flowers so much. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  16. Your Peace Lily is beautiful! Are there many stray dogs around there? I am trying to get Phil to carry some kind of protection from them when he walks.

    1. There are quite a number of stray dogs in our area and some of them can be a nuisance to passers-by. Carry a stick keeps them at a distance and also in case we encounter any snatch thief.

  17. El lirio se ve muy bonito. Un beso.

  18. Everything looked delicious. I like them!

  19. It is sad that you have to take a stick with you, i wish there could be a way the stray dogs could be cared for and not end up running around causing trouble.

    1. I also hope that the local authority will come up with an effective solution for the stray dogs.

  20. I can see the jogging man, he looks very tiny from afar. It is nice to go for an early morning walk when it is still cool and no cars around.

    1. If I am alone, I wouldn't go such early because it wouldn't be safe. With hubby, and carrying our sticks, it is quite safe to go out early.

  21. It's so nice going out for jogging early in the morning.

  22. Thank you and have a great day.

  23. Got one day you go for breakfast first then go for walk, usually it is the other way round. Which one you prefer? Lovely milky white lily flower.

    1. We prefer walking on an empty stomach and after that to relax and enjoy our breakfast and a cup of coffee.

  24. Love all the dishes for the dinner but my favourite would be the pork belly.

  25. It's so dark still when you go on your morning walks.

    Mm food looks good!

    1. Its because there are 2 of us, if alone, I won't go so early. That's another reason why we carry stick with us, for protection just in case.


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