Saturday 17 December 2022

Claypot Chicken Rice & Dried Vegetable Soup For Dinner

We had another nice morning with no rain. We went for our morning walk.

Morning sky at 6:50am.
I had pan mee which is noodle with wood fungus strips, fried anchovies, minced meat and veggie.
My breakfast with a cup of hot milo.
Hubby ordered claypot noodles.
Coleus from my garden.
They have grown tall and leggy, so I will need to replant them again.
I was lazy to cook so we went out for dinner.
We ordered claypot chicken rice from our favourite place, which is WK Claypot House at 101, Lengkok Rishah 3, Taman Silibin Ria, Ipoh.
Ordered dried vegetable soup which we call "choy kon" soup.
A friend shared this photo with me. She saw this bird perched on a concreter pillar near her house.
Can anyone help to identify this bird?

Then God said,
"Let bright lights appear in the sky to give light to the earth
and to identify the day and the night;
they shall bring about the seasons on the earth,
and mark the days and years." And so it was.
(Genesis 1:14-15, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I believe the pan mee is for breakfast?

  2. Oh, your weather is great and the food and flowers! The bird looks a bit angry?

    1. Thank you, Iris. The bird is probably looking for food.

  3. Oooo...claypot chicken rice, I love that! No good one here now, closed down after the pandemic.

  4. Wonderful food! It's some sort of bird of prey. Hugs, Valerie

  5. mouth is watering looking at the claypot chicken rice!

  6. Hello Nancy!
    Your sky is looking pretty with a touch of pink. The Coleus leaves are beautiful, a lovely plant. The Chicken Rice claypot looks yummy. It id a bird of prey, possibly a Kite? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  7. The coleus from your garden looks so beautiful! I love that clay pot rice.

  8. ...the coleus are nice to see on this cold and dark morning.

  9. The bird looks like a hawk, and that looks like a beautiful morning for a walk! Coleus is pretty in color.

  10. Have a wonderful Saturday Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  11. That soup look very delicious. I hope so that you enjoy so much. I don't know what is that bird, I'm not good enough in recognizing birds.

  12. The noodles look divine! This is some kind of Hawk, what a beauty!

  13. It looks like a Hawk to me too. Love seeing your yummy dishes this week!

  14. Lindo pájaro y bellas plantas, Te mando un beso.

  15. I never get tired of seeing your food shots! It’s an Oriental Honey Buzzard.

  16. Me alegro de que halláis disfrutado de un bonito día, y de la rica comida tradicional de tu país, y aunque tienen todos una pinta muy rica, me gustaría algún día poder probar esos fideos con anchoas fritas y carne picada.
    Me llama la atención de que después de las comidas no soléis comer postres, como se acostumbra por Occidente que normalmente son o frutas o dulces.
    Que tengas un buen día, amiga Nancy.

  17. That was a beautiful morning and wonderful meals. The bird is handsome.

  18. I would guess some type of hawk.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  19. I don't know the bird, but I know the season. So, Season's Greetings!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Season's greetings to you too.

  20. The chicken claypot rice looks good. Makes me feel like getting some!

    1. Thank you, Stacy. One of the best that I have tasted. Near and convenient for us whenever I don't feel like cooking.


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