Saturday 22 October 2016

Mama Cat & Her 4 Little Kittens.

Last Saturday, I posted about my friend's cat named Fluffy. You can click here to read the post. Today, I want to share photos of her little kittens. She became a mother about 2 weeks ago. Altogether she gave birth to 4 babies. They are still too small to identify their gender. Very surprisingly, the oldest or the first baby that was birthed is so much bigger than its other 3 siblings. Plus its more white than the other 3 siblings who are more black. All photo credits belong to my friend who provided me with these photos.
 Its feeding time and Fluffy is finding space to lay down to feed her babies.
 Hungry little kitties meowing softly. 
 All is silent when they found their source of milk.
4 little kittens - 3 blacks and 1 white. When I first saw this photo I mistook the white kitten for their mother, Fluffy! Then I noticed the dried up umbilical code still attached to it.
My friend told me that it is the first born kitten. The size is so much bigger than the other kittens. 
The 1st born was distracted for a moment from its feeding to take a look at the photographer.
The 1st born always has the best place with the most milk!
After having their fill, their mother took off.
Baby kittens all sound asleep.
Slowly, one by one is opening their eyes.
 The 1st born, called 'king' by its human family. It is so deeply asleep!
 Linking to Saturday Critters.

Then the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep,
and took one of his ribs and closed up the place from which
he had removed it, and made the rib into a woman,
and brought her to the man. "This is it!" Adam exclaimed.
"She is part of my own bone and flesh!
Her name is 'woman' because she was taken out of a man."
(Genesis 2:21-23, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Awwwww.....absolutely precious! They are all adorable, including the mother, and I love that little pink tummy! :)

  2. Hello Nancy, adorable photos of momma and her kittens. They are so cute! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a happy weekend!

  3. Oh these are so adorable Nancy 💕 The King knows how to relax!

  4. Adorable little family Nancy, great pictures!

  5. Awww these are so very cute. The white one is a lot bigger than the others. Great shots too Nancy.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  6. Adorable pictures! The sweet kittens are so teeny tiny, except for the huge first born. He is a giant! I did not know any of these facts about this, it is so interesting!

  7. What more can one say but----AWWWW......

  8. So contented when their little bellies are full!

  9. Hello kitties! Welcome to life <3

  10. I think the biggest is a man

  11. Oh such treasured photos ~ they are adorable and you got to see them be born ~ what a gift ~ thanks for sharing this ~

    Wishing you a great weekend ~ ^_^

  12. So adoooooooooooorable! I want to rub the belly!! Thanks for sharing, Nancy.

  13. Beautiful! Happy weekend!:))


  14. Is your friend going to keep all four kittens as pets?

  15. So cutie :) the last time I saw mummy cat and new born kittens when I was about 6 years old living in kampung. We had a few cats then. But somehow as I grew up I don't seem to like cats or dogs as pet ... hee .. hee! Thanks for sharing these pictures, Nancy.

  16. ahh so adorable .
    nature loves its creations and your post display the truth of nature .
    loved all pics and lovely description going with them

  17. very sweet...the white one is so much bigger and i learned a few things!!!

  18. Cute photos. does she know who the father is? Keep well Diane

  19. lovely. kittens are really nice and cute!

  20. The kittens are oh so cute, just saying as all before me have said

  21. What cuties! Hope you had a great weekend Nancy, and wishing you a great week ahead.

  22. These little babies are so wonderful. I am glad you posted these. Hope we get to see more of the kittens as they grow a little bigger. Hugs-Erika

  23. Yeah the firstborn is so much bigger! See whether it turns out to be a bully heh.


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