Hong Kong, Day 5 - Nan Lian Garden #2.
Today's post is a continuation of Nan Lian Garden #1.

I walked towards the wall and looked over it. And I realized that I was standing over Fung Tak road.

I walked up to the pond to take a closer look and quickly return to the shade. Here ended our garden tour and we were off to some sightseeing.

A skyscraper towering over us.
If you have missed post #1, click here to visit and enjoy.
As we walked along the garden route, we get to enjoy the ever-changing scenery on both sides.
The rocks in the garden are both imported and from local site.
Priceless items on exhibit.
No photography is allowed in the Chinese Timber Architecture Gallery. The gallery was dimly lit.
The landscape garden is not complete without rocks.
Beautiful view of the greens, water and pond.
Recyclable timber bin with 3 compartments.
The souvenir and snack shop where we dropped by for a rest and refreshing drink.
A long building with connecting corridor built at the pond side.
The steps leading to Chi Lin Nunnery.
I walked towards the wall and looked over it. And I realized that I was standing over Fung Tak road.
We only walked up to the main entrance. Took this photo on my left from the entrance gate roof.
Centre view from the entrance gate.
Our host brought to our attention that the wooden structure of the roof were joined without using any nail.
Took this photo on my right from the entrance gate.
I walked up to the pond to take a closer look and quickly return to the shade. Here ended our garden tour and we were off to some sightseeing.
A skyscraper towering over us.
Linking to Skywatch Friday.
Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to You,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For You have been my refuge,
a strong tower against the foe.
(Psalm 61:1-3, New International Version-NIV)