Tuesday 31 May 2016

Dinner At Restoran Mun Ji, Menglembu.

Whenever we think of fish head curry, one of the restaurants that comes to our mind is Restoran Mun Ji in Menglembu. A church friend introduced this place to us when he invited us for dinner one night and since then, we have been coming here on and off. Recently, we were here with some friends for dinner at Restoran Mun Ji at 1, Laluan Rasi Jaya 2, Taman Rasi Jaya. Tel: 016-5437707.
A must order - A pot of fish head curry with lots of ingredients.
Amarath Green (yin choy) with century egg, salted egg, normal egg in special broth.
Deep fried tofu topped with preserved salted white raddish.
Stewed Pork Belly (tung poh yoke).
A vegetarian dish - cannot remember the name.
Stewed Pig trotter with salted fish.
Spicy sambal Stinking beans with prawns.
I cannot remember the cost of dinner.
+     +     +     +     +
Today is Tuesday's Treasure.
Linking to Tuesday Treasure.

Tell them to use their money to do good.
They should be rich in good works and
should give happily to those in need, always being ready
to share with others whatever God has given them.
By doing this they will be storing up real treasure for themselves
in heaven - it is the only safe investment for eternity!
And they will be living a fruitful Christian life down here as well.
(1 Timothy 6:18-19, The Living Bible-TLB)

Monday 30 May 2016

Sunday "Chap Fun" Lunch At Restoran Ritzbina, Bercham.

Yesterday was a Sunday. After church celebration service, hubby and I needed to visit a friend in Bercham. We decided to have "chap fun" or "economy rice" at Restoran Ritzbina Sdn. Bhd., Bercham before meeting our friend. Her church celebration service ended very much later than ours.

We used to joke about "chap fun" or "economy rice". We called it "tok tok fun" or "point, point rice" because we just point to the dishes of our choice and the server will dish them onto the plate.
 Hubby's choice - white rice with steamed minced meat, stir fry long beans and black vinegar pig trotter.
 My choice - Deep fried drumstick, pickled veggie salad (acar) & a vegetarian dish.
 And a bowl of white rice porridge. Soup is free,
Total cost of our lunch - about MYR 11.00 (approx. 2.68 USD)
Restoran Ritzbina Sdn. Bhd., Jalan Bercham, Taman Desa Kencana, Bercham.
I apologize for the reflection - took this shot through the windscreen.
On our way home.....
O God, help the king to judge as you would,
and help his son to walk in godliness.
Help him to give justice to your people, even to the poor.
May the mountains and hills flourish in prosperity
because of his good reign. Help him to defend the
poor and needy and to crush their oppressors.
(Psalm 72:1-4, The Living Bible-TLB)

Sunday 29 May 2016

Sunday Dinner At Restoran Sen Yat Toi Private Kitchens, Lawan Kuda.

This afternoon, hubby made a phone call to a close family friend to inform her that we will be visiting her in Gopeng.
 There was a long wait at the traffic lights at Simpang Pulai. While waiting, I took a snapshot of this bougainvillea in a big pot.
 Traffic slowing down just before reaching Gopeng town.
 Together with our friend, we drove to Kampar to visit hubby's niece who is studying there.
 Some of the older double storey terrace houses.
Another big building coming up....
 Dark clouds looming over us.
 It may rain later in the night......
 Here we were again at the same restaurant after our previous visit 3 weeks ago. It is located at Jalan Aman, Desa Lawan Kuda 2, Gopeng. To read my previous post, please click here.
Red Wine Deep Fried Pork Rib
 Deep Fried Red Tilapia with Thai Sauce. It looked red but not spicy.
"Sei Tai Tin Wong" - Spicy sambal stir fried vegetables (french beans, okra, egg plant and stinky beans)

Total cost of a delicious dinner inclusive of 3 small portion of white rice and Chinese tea = RM53.40 (approx. 13.05 USD)
 After dinner, we sent our friend back to Gopeng and we drove back to Ipoh.
 These shots were taken about 7.20 pm.
Thank God for good food and safe journey.
For this is what the Sovereign LORD says:
I myself will search for my sheep and look after them.
As a shepherd looks after his scattered flock when he
is with them, so will I look after my sheep.
I will rescue them from all the places where they
were scattered on a day of clouds and darkness.
(Ezekiel 34:11-12, New International Version-NIV)

Saturday 28 May 2016

Pepper, My Pet Dog.

The subject of my post for today is our pet dog, named Pepper. The photographer of these photos is my 2nd and the youngest son. Pepper is no longer with us now. We still miss her very much.
Pepper was a stray puppy when my elder son found her outside our house one night. He took pity on her and fed her milk and biscuits.
Since then, the nights he came home after his tuition, he will find her there outside our gate waiting for the milk and biscuits.
She will be there until early morning when I reversed my car to drive to work.
She has this look in her eyes that melted our hearts. I remembered it was a Saturday morning, I took her into my compound and gave her a proper bath.
From then on, she was adopted into our family.
She was very timid and very quiet and we have not heard a bark from her until......
One late evening I was cooking in the kitchen and all of a sudden I heard her barking and growling fiercely at the side of my house. Hubby ran out and caught sight of a dark shadow jumping out of my next door neighbour's fence.
Her barking frightened off the intruder. The intruder probably didn't know there was a dog in our compound.
Pepper was a great catcher of rats, mice and even shrews in our compound. 
Looking at these photos and writing this blog brings back sweet memories of Pepper and made me teary eyed. She was my bodyguard when I went for my early morning walks those days. We miss you, Pepper. You will always be remembered in our hearts.
Linking to Saturday's Critters.

My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander
from the truth and someone should bring that person back,
remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error
of their way will save them from death and
cover over a multitude of sins.
(James 5:19-20, New International Version-NIV)

Friday 27 May 2016

Sunrises And Pretty Flowers.

Yesterday morning about 6.45 am (Thursday), I opened the gate for hubby to reverse out the car, I just have to take a snapshot of this sunrise (below) before we went for our morning walking exercise.
It is worth getting up early to be greeted with beautiful sunrises like this.
Took this photo at about 6.55 am at the park before starting my walking rounds.
At about 7.35 am, we finished our walking exercise and we were on our way to town for our breakfast. This and the next few pics were taken from a moving car.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
Peacemakers who sow in peace
reap a harvest of righteousness.
(James 3:17-18, New International Version-NIV)
Blue Plumbago
From my friend's garden (without id).
From my friend's garden (without id).
From my friend's garden (without id).
Orchid from my friend's garden.
Orchid from my friend's garden.
Orchid from my friend's garden.

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