Wednesday 28 August 2019

Local Fruits, Home Grown Chives & Home Cooked Dinner

These days, we try to start our morning walk early. Being early encourages us to walk more because the air is cooler and there will be less people using the walking path.
 Another beautiful morning - 6:46 am
 Morning sky in front of my house - 7:50 am.
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The durian season is almost coming to an end.
It is time to enjoy other local fruits that are in season.
 These are dokong, scientific name is Lansium domesticum. Underneath the skin, the translucent fruit is in segments. It is sweet and sourish. It is now selling at about 3 kilos for RM 10.
 These are mangosteen, scientific name Garcinia mangostana. Underneath the thick skin is the white fruit in segments. It has a sweet sourish taste. I bought these at 1 kilo for RM 4.
 These are seasonal fruits, usually only once or twice in a year.
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I have 2 pots of chives growing in my garden.  A friend gave me the 1st pot. The chives in the 2nd pot was grown from seeds which I bought from the nursery.
 Harvested the above from my garden to cook for dinner.
One thing I like about growing chives is that, after harvesting the chives, it will grow back again as long as I didn't uproot them.
 Pan fried pork tenderloin slices pre-marinated with black pepper sauce.
 Blanched chives and pan fried purple brinjals (eggplants).
Garnished with garlic oil and soy sauce & oyster sauce.
Our home cooked dinner for 2 people.
We finished the left over curry beef and kept some remaining pork slices.
The pork slices make good sandwiches for our lunch.

And God has reserved for his children the priceless gift of eternal life;
it is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled,
beyong the reach of change and decay.
And God, in his mighty power, will make sure that you get there
safely to receive it because you are trusting him.
It will be yours in that coming last day for all to see.
(1 Peter 1:4-5, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Those garlic chives are my favourite. You are a super gardener, Nancy.

  2. Such wonderful dishes, now you are making me hungry.

  3. That first photo is exquisite. I love sunrise and early morning skies.

  4. they fresh and local is best!

  5. Great photos and I like it these fruits. Hello from Turkey :)

  6. I'm coming over to have dinner with you and your husband. Yummy.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  7. What a nice pictures 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  8. I like to eat both dokong and mangosteen but they stain the fingers and hands with the sap from their skin/peel.

    1. I don't mind the stain because they are only temporary. You can try using gloves.

  9. I have never seen or heard of Dokong before! I have heard of Mangosteen, but we have neither here. I bet your dishes tasted so good!

  10. You have such lovely sunrises and delicious looking dinners. It's a bonus that you groww some of your own food.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. Am very thankful. Happy weekend!

  11. Gorgeous skies! You always show us wonderful food. Home grown is always best :)

    Great post on 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking up!

    My Corner of the World

  12. I would love to taste some of your fruits...your morning shots are beautiful.

  13. Tenderloin slices, sounds good to me.

  14. The fruit you can get this season looks interesting. I like your description of the taste. Food looks good especially as you use home grown herbs and vegetables. Delicious!

  15. So nice homecooked food!! The harvest just nice for both of you!

    1. Thank you, Claire. Happy with the harvest.

  16. Your food platter is inviting!

  17. Chives will also produce flowers after some time and spread seeds to make new little plants!

    Nice presentation for your home-cooked dinner.

    1. Yes, the flowers and seeds look like those of shallots. Thank you, Stacy.

  18. Esas frutas me encantan. Muy buena cena. Un beso.


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