Saturday 19 March 2022

Stewed Pork Leg & Home Grown Vegetables With Sambal Shrimps

This was last Sunday. 

Morning sky at 7:10am.
It was a lazy Sunday for us.
I only need to cook 1 dish for our dinner....
because our neighbour bought this ready cooked stewed pork leg dish for us.
So I used home grown white bitter gourds, long green okra and green brinjals (eggplants) to cook with sambal dried shrimps.
Chopped raw garlic and bird's eye chilies was given as condiment for the stewed pork leg. This was our simple dinner with steamed brown rice.
Evening sky at 7:10pm.
Can you see the silver lining around the cloud?
Thanks to my friend for sharing this video with me.
Video credited to my friend, Maguerita.
My friend took a video of this critter that she found in her garden.
Don't know how this critter was found on its back and was trying hard to get back on its many legs. Looks like it was doing some abs strengthening exercise. Can someone please help to identify this critter? Thank you.

Then Isaiah is bold enough to say this for God:
"The people who were not looking for me -
they were the ones who found me.
I made myself known to those who did not ask for me."
(Romans 10:20, Easy to Read Version-ERV)


  1. Not eating pork at the moment because of the African Swine Fever. I think I shall be touching on it in my blogpost tomorrow. Once cleared, I shall go and buy one big pork leg and cook to enjoy, that's for sure. LOL!!!

    1. Yes, read about it in the news end of last year. I think now cleared.

  2. Hello Nancy, :=) That stewed pork dish looks so good, it must have been tender done this way. The shrimp and vegetables also make a splendid meal. I don't recognise the creature in the video, it's having a great struggle to get back on it's many feet.

    1. Yes, the stewed pork is nice and tender. I am sure my friend helped the little creature on its many feet after the photo. Lol!

  3. Hello Nancy,
    Pretty captures of the sky! I would love the eggplant and shrimp. That is a weird bug, it looks like it is doing crunches for it's abs. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Happy new week.

  4. Nice skies, but, ohhh the poor critter.

    1. Thank you, Iris. The critter needs a little help.

  5. ...I like the lighting of the evening sky. Take care Nancy and enjoy a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you, Tom. You take care too and stay safe.

  6. Suck beautiful sky there Nancy.

  7. You really do have the best neighbour, Nancy.

    1. Thank you, David. We are good neighbours.

  8. Generous neighbour, you are blessed.

  9. Interesting meal and pretty sky photos. Yes, I see the silver lining! :-)

    1. Thank you, John. I just came from your reading your post and I like your sunset with the silver lining on 9th March. Wishing you a fabulous new week.

  10. I liked the stewed pork leg dish. It looked very tasty. Did the critter eventually get back over and walk away?

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. I forgot to ask my friend what happened to the critter.

  11. Love the cloud rimmed with silver. Great food, too. The critter could be a centipede. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie. It looks like a fat centipede. Have a great new week.

  12. I love the cloud with light around the edges.

  13. your friend is so kind to give you the Stewed Pork Leg. Love your Home Grown Vegetables With Sambal Shrimps dish. The bug could be a sow bug or pill bug. Did your friend help the bug to turn over so it can walk away?

    1. Thank you, Mun for helping to identify the critter.

    2. Thanks, Vicki & Mun. Thank you both for the names of the bugs.

  14. Those clouds really did have silver linings, that was beautiful.

    Your vegetables always look so good!

  15. Uy me dio un poco de impresión el bicho del video. Te mando un beso.

  16. Such a delicious and comforting meal! Love the homegrown veggies stirfry.

  17. Looks like a crazy critter but I have no idea. Love your sky photo and all the yummy meals you've had! Enjoy your day!

  18. Great post! I also have my own small garden :D

  19. Beautiful skies and great food. Keep well Diane

  20. Silver lining around the cloud looks so pretty. I enjoy looking up to see clouds, moon, stars and anything that flies. I was able to see the waning moon 🌖 last night. Tall abrovitaes are gone at neighbor's. Food looks delicious. Quite the bug your friend saw. Interesting. Have a good week!!

  21. Thank you, Vicki. Thanks also for helping to identify the bug.

  22. Tus fotos se ven muy bien. Buena semana.

  23. Of course, the cloud formation is wonderful, as is the silvery border.

  24. The bittergourd is very pretty sliced up like that.

    I'm not watching the bug video hehe.

  25. Hope you have a great week too.


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