Saturday 20 December 2014


Julie, my long-time friend since our primary school days is very busy preparing for her eldest daughter's wedding. Since this is the first big celebration in their family, everyone is excited about it. Not only her family members but we, her close friends are all excited about it and we are all out to help her with whatever we can. Her daughter and the groom to be are both working in the capital city and both are holding managerial position. They can only take leave for their wedding and a short holiday for their honeymoon. So the whole wedding preparation has to be carried out by the parents and the bride's siblings.  

In order to secure a restaurant for the wedding dinner, the booking has to be done more than a year ahead of the dinner date.  Preparing for a grand wedding is not a small matter and it needs plenty of time to get things done right.  Since the bride and groom to be are both working, the parents especially the mother has to do most of the preparation, assisted by the other family members.

Once the restaurant and the guests list is settled, the next important item to look into are the dresses for the mother and sisters of the bride. The wedding gown for the bride and suit for the groom are all taken care of by the young couple, so that is solved.  To have all these dresses tailor made is quite a problem because to get a good tailor, the rate will be very high. So we, the close friends are suggesting to them that it will be easier to order online since there is plenty of time to look for the right design with reasonable price, instead of going from shop to shop which can be very time consuming and tiring.  Everyone agreed that it is a good idea and we set aside time to browse through the websites.  

This particular site Cheap Prom Dresses has a number of dresses which are appropriate for the mother and also for the sisters. Oh, what a relief it was to find the prices are quite reasonable too. In fact, some of us are also thinking of ordering for ourselves a dress for this special function.

Who is like the wise man?
Who knows the explanation of things?
Wisdom brightens a man's face and
changes its hard appearance.
(Ecclesiastes 8:1, NIV)


  1. Weddings are nice and can also be stressful. That is a lovely dress.

  2. i love these photos,and they are so beautiful. I love your post. Thanks very much.


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