Wednesday 7 January 2015

Brisk Walking Exercise @ Recreational Lake Park

Since it started raining about 3 weeks ago, we have not been able to enjoy our early morning walk at the recreation lake park in our residential area. The lake is a former mining pond. A jogging track or walking track has been built around the lake and the whole place serves as a recreation park to the surrounding local residents. Finally, looks like the wet, wet days are over for us to resume our morning walk.
Besides the walking track, the park is equipped with various exercise equipment for those who wants to use them. There are swings for the children to play with. There is also a basketball court and two other courts that are used for morning exercises by the senior citizens or for games.
This picture was taken about 6.30 am. The light in the distance are from the residential houses and street lamps on the main road.

There are street lamps lighting up the walking track around the lake. Some morning walkers will be there as early as 5.30 am. We prefer to go for our walk at around 6.00 am when it is not too dark and there will be some early walkers and joggers around to keep accompany, just to be safe. And if we were to go after 6.40 am, the whole place will be over crowded with people.
Usually by the time we arrived at about 6.00 am, this group has already started their exercise. This group has two leaders or "sifu" up front leading the exercise with music accompaniment.

Most mornings we will be blessed with beautiful sunrise like this, painting the sky in beautiful shades of gold, pink, blue, grey, etc.
In the evening, some men will be found fishing under the shade of these big trees by the lake side. That is the Kledang Hill in the background.
The lake is filled with lotus plants and sometimes we get to see lovely lotus flowers in full bloom. Once in a while, we see some people harvesting the lotus buds and lotus pods from the lake.
As we walk, we see the place slowly brighten up as the sun rises. Every morning I get to enjoy this beautiful transformation, of the light slowly dispersing the darkness.
There is another straight track that runs parallel to the main road, some prefer the straight one which is very much shorter than the circular one which goes round the pond. My hubby and I usually go 4 rounds around the lake, which usually takes about 40 to 50 minutes, depending on our walking pace.
People of all ages use this track. Some jog, some brisk walk and some slow walk. Some are alone, some in groups of 2 to 3 people, and they will be sharing on all kinds of interesting topics as they walk.
Here is another exercise group on another court. This starts slightly later than the earlier group. There is also a master or sifu to lead with music accompaniment.
The exercise master or sifu in full white, showing the exercise steps to his followers.
These seniors are very agile and they will be playing basketball every morning. After they have finished their game, the youth team will take over the court.
There are also two "line-dance" exercise groups, one in each court, with music accompaniment.

And finally, this is the highlight of the morning, where a crowd of mostly senior citizens, male and female gather to do their "senamrobik" exercise. There is a leader up on the higher platform under the tree, leading them with music accompaniment.

Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways.
You will eat the fruit of your labor:
blessings and prosperity will be yours.
(Psalm 128:1-2, New International Version-NIV)


  1. Wow...this is a nice place to go for brisk walks and exercise. I wish my area has a lake like that !

  2. For me, i prefer to jog in the morning, hehe...

    1. Well, for retirees like me, just be happy to brisk walk only, lol.

  3. Very scenic! I used to enjoy morning walks at my old place. Now due to time constraint I don't do morning walks anymore. It is good exercise.

    1. Really can feel the difference after the morning walks

  4. There is a recreation park near my redisential area too where I used to do my brisk walking exercise with my neighbours every morning. I prefer early morning walk to evening. After brisk walking for 45 min., i join one exercise group for only 1/2 hour. After exercise, i can feel myself more energetic.

    1. Irene, that's right, we feel so much energetic and alive after exercising.

  5. Such a lovely place, Nancy! Great place for a nice leisurely walk.

    1. Linda, a great place especially in the early morning when the air is fresh and cool.

  6. What a nice green place to relax and rest our eyes.

    1. Very relaxing. Many elderly just go and sit and watch the people around them.

  7. Such a beautiful place to walk! I am glad you do not go alone. The palm tree picture is gorgeous in the half light, and the picture of the street lams across the water. Also the sunrise picture is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Ginny, its a very beautiful and interesting place to go and exercise.

  8. A beautiful park indeed. With soaring land prices, its not easy to find property near a good park.
    Can you tell me what is the taman the park is located? I wish to visit this place someday. I am from KL and enjoy reading your blog on food in Ipoh too. Thanks Nancy!!
    Regards, Philip Goh

    1. Hi Philip, thanks for your visit and comments. The park is located at Jalan Ng Weng Hup, Taman Pertama, in front of the Tamil Church Thaveethin Kudaram. The park is also next to the Indah Water oxidation pond.

    2. Thanks for the information Nancy. Will visit the park soon.


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