Thursday 28 March 2019

Herbal Pork Noodle And Sambal Prawn Stinky Beans

One morning after having rained the previous evening, we could once again feel the cool breeze blowing as we did our morning walking exercise at the park.
Morning sky at 6:50 am.
Grey sky at 7:50 am
Delicious herbal pork noodles for breakfast.
We ordered the herbal pork noodles from this new stall at Restoran Kee Tuck Seak, Taman Pertama.
From my garden: Red Ixora flowers and Caladium leaves.
Caladium leaves are also known as Elephant Ears, Angel Wings or Heart of Jesus.
That morning's harvest from my garden.
And together with the previous day's harvest, I used them to cook an appetizing dish for dinner.
Sambal petai with prawns
(stinky beans, prawns, and veggie from my garden).
Just this dish alone is enough hubby and I to eat with white rice.
Linking with Good Fences.
Sun setting behind the mountains at 7:10 pm

Linking To Good Fences.

Shall I look to the mountain gods for help?
No! My help is from Jehovah who made the mountains!
And the heavens too! He will never let me stumble, slip, or fall.
For he is always watching, never sleeping.
(Psalm 121:1-4, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. What a dark and beautiful sky it was! The noodles and pork look delicious.

  2. That noodle soup looks really appetizing! Love those plants from your garden, Nancy.

  3. Great crop from your garden and wonderfully lovely food

  4. Lovely plants and harvest. This morning it rained in sg too.

    1. Thank you, Libby. We are getting more rain now.

  5. Such a wonderful thing to do, collecting produce from you garden. Great shots of the sky.

  6. Yes, that one dish of vege with prawn and petai is nutritious enough on its own. With rice, it is so very tasty! Caladium leaves are so pretty with the red/pink and green colour.

  7. Beautiful skies, great produce from the garden and yummy food. Have a good day, Diane

  8. ...Caladium sure are a colorful bunch of plants!

  9. Your cooking looks delicious! Good that your garden is cooperating.

    1. Thank you, Stacy. So far so good in my garden.

  10. You have a great thumb and your food is always amazing.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Have a fabulous weekend!

  11. Those morning skies are quite dramatic.

  12. Beautiful leaves form your home. I wish I could grow them. See ya. Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  13. It always makes me smile to know you grow pretty plants and eating plants (and some of the eating ones are rather pretty, too).


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