Tuesday 9 June 2020

Family And Friends Reunion

I thank God for watching over us and protecting us throughout the MCO and that we are now on the road to recovery from the pandemic. Thank God for all the unnamed, compassionate people who contributed in various ways during the MCO.
From my garden
Pink Mexican Petunia (Pink Showers)
Miniature Pink Hibiscus
Yesterday's take-away dinner
 We had wonton noodle and minced pork dumplings for dinner
Yesterday I couldn't cook because there was a few hours of water supply disruption in our area.
Under the Recovery MCO (from 10th June to 31st August), travelling restriction within the nation has been lifted. We are looking forward to reunite with family members and friends whom we have not seen since the MCO started.
This was one of our pre-MCO lunch with friends in my house. The following 2 dishes were cooked by our friend.
 Chicken and potato curry.
Asparagus and prawns with sambal paste.
I cooked the following 2 dishes.
Stuffed Home Grown Bitter Gourd.
Home grown long beans, wolf berries and egg omelette.

Break of dawn at 6:47 am.
We have not been to the recreational park for our morning walk since the MCO started. Looking forward to resume our walk at the park one of these days.
Ancient suitcases and Tiffin carriers.
I took the above snapshot when I was at the Dong Cafe, Ipoh in 2018.

Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth.
Sing praises to the Lord.
Sing to the one who rides across the ancient heavens,
his mighty voice thundering from the sky.
(Psalm 68:32-33, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Your stuffed bittergourd and omelette look so delicious. I must try frying asparagus with prawns and your friend's curry remind me that I have not cooked curry in such a long time!

    1. Yes, I too haven't cooked chicken curry for a long time.

  2. Piękne kwiaty i smaczne jedzenie to daje szczęście:)

  3. I love bitter gourd, stirfried, stuffed or in claypot! The prawn asparagus stirfry looks really yummy and appetizing too.

  4. You never cease to amaze me what you grow in your garden, Well done, Diane

  5. Están preciosas las petunias.

    Hay que seguir con las precauciones, porque el enemigo invisible, nos puede estar acechando.


  6. Hello Nancy!
    Your Miniature Pink Hibiscus is very beautiful! You have many preety plants in your garden!
    That omellete looks so delicious! Awesome pictures of the dawn and the old suitcases!
    Have a lovely day,stay safe!

    1. Thank you, DIMI. Have a lovely day and stay safe too.

  7. ...the old suitcases I'm familiar with and the tiffin carriers I've seen, but didn't know the name. Thanks Nancy for sharing.

  8. I have never seen the small hibiscus...it is pretty. And love the Mexican petunias.

  9. The flowers are beautiful. I love pink. Yummy on all the food. You eat so very well.

    I'm happy you can now travel to visit family and friends. We've all missed that.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Looking forward to see my boys.

  10. The omelet and the stuffed bitter gourd look good. Yum.

  11. This dinner of wonton noodle and minced pork dumplings sure looks great. Also Asparagus and prawns sure looks tasty, I;m getting really hungry just looking at these plates. See ya Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. I am hungry too, waiting for dinner.

  12. Yes, stay safe! The food looks wonderful! praying for when things will open up again. I am suppose to go to Bali and Singapore at the end of October, but i am not holding my breathe. I might have to cancel!

    1. Many countries are still keeping their borders closed.

  13. Love the prawns and asparagus dish. Are you planning to visit the park for morning walk within this week?

    1. We are not in a rush to visit the park yet.

    2. Good. Walking around your housing area is good enough.

    3. This morning we were up early and we went to check the park. There were not many people and we walked 2 rounds and then walked back home. If late, there will be more people.

    4. Wah, so nice that the park is within walking distance of your house.

    5. It is about 15 mins walk one way.

  14. Hoping you remain healthy and safe.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/06/48-years-with-this-guy.html

  15. Yes i read in the news that state to state travel is now allowed in malaysia. Curry will always be my favourite though i cant eat often. The long beans with omelette and the prawns with asparagus must be very appetizing.

  16. I love this last little scene! What is a Tiffin?

    1. Tiffin is a light meal or snack. A tiffin carrier is for carrying food.

  17. So glad to hear you can go see family now! It has been a very long, hard time for many.

    1. Yes, we are looking forward to see our sons.

  18. you are so lucky person...have garden produce many things.
    Your foods make me hungry....yummy

  19. all the dishes in the potluck looks delicious! I m drooling!

  20. I am looking forward to reunion meals again! hahahaa

  21. Life is slowly getting back to normal. Oo so many food pictures that look yummy.

    1. We miss meeting up with our foodie groups.

  22. Family and friends make life worthwhile

  23. Preciosas tus flores. Un beso.


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