Tuesday 1 September 2020

Steamed Fish & Porridge For 2 Dinners In A Row

Last Wednesday Thursday was a public holiday and we didn't go for our morning walk. Instead, we waited for a friend to come take us for breakfast.
Took this snapshot of the sunrise at 7:24 am while waiting for our friend.
Harvest from my garden
I harvested some okras and white brinjals. The 2 brinjals with black spots have to be thrown away because of worms inside. I also harvested some chives and chives buds.
Home cooked dinner - Day 1.
I blanched the okras, white brinjals, some chives and chives buds. Then I drizzled garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce before serving.
I steamed 3 white pomfrets (palm size) with chopped ginger, garlic and onions. After steaming, I drizzled with oyster and soy sauce, Chinese cooking wine, garlic oil and garnished with home grown spring onions.
Simple home cooked dinner with rice porridge.
Crepe ginger by the roadside.
Home cooked dinner - Day 2.
I boiled soup with Sichuan pickled vegetable (char choy) with pork ribs, carrot and tomatoes. Hubby loves this appetizing soup.
Special request from hubby - Onion omelette.
Steamed Threadfin with chopped ginger, garlic and onion. When cooked drizzled with oyster and soy sauce and Chinese cooking wine and garnished with lots of home grown spring onions.
Simple home cooked dinner with steamed basmathi rice.
While our car was waiting at the junction, I took a snapshot of the Ipoh city town hall.
Another quick snapshot of the Ipoh city town hall.

A fool is quick-tempered; a wise man stays cool when insulted.
(Proverbs 12:16 - TLB)
If you are angry, don't sin by nursing your grudge.
Don't let the sun go down with you still angry - get over it quickly;
for when you are angry, you give a mighty foothold to the devil.
(Ephesians 4:26, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. Beautiful sunrise and so yummy dinner :)
    Have a great day :)

  2. I have never heard of crepe ginger! It is beautiful. Can you eat the roots, like regular ginger?

    1. I don't know if there are ginger roots or whether the plants are edible.

  3. I love steamed fish, pomfret is one of my fav fish. Long time did not hv sichuan veg soup. Very appetising soup.

    1. The Sichuan veg soup is just like the pickled mustard veg soup.

  4. Beautiful shots of the town hall. Oh how i miss visiting malaysia.

    1. Thank you, Libby. You will have to wait till the borders are opened.

  5. it looks so delicious, I love fish-based preparations, whether it's just fried or cooked, however I like it

    1. I love fish too especially fresh from the sea.

  6. What a great harvest! I love those white eggplants. The dinner looks very appetizing, Nancy.

  7. Hello,
    Pretty sunrise, the crepe ginger is lovely. The Town Hall is a beautiful building. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. Your steamed pomfrets must be so delicious and aromatic! Your steamer must be quite big to accommodate 3 fishes.

    1. I use my big stainless steel wok for steaming.

  9. Dziś u nas jest koniec wakacji dzieci poszły do szkoły po 6 miesiącach przerwy z powodu wirusa. Pysznie wygląda jedzenie. Piękny budynek ratusza. Miłego dnia:)

  10. Looks like your kitchen is still operating at full capacity. All kinds of lovely food coming out.

    1. My kitchen continues to operate as long as I have the mood to cook.

  11. I like steamed white pomfrets. I have been cooking and eating more fishes lately since hubby went for few fishing trips last month. Fish is better and healthier than other meats.

    1. Its a blessing to be able to enjoy fresh fishes that your hubby brings home from his fishing trip. We used to enjoy fishes that my son brought home but now he is staying too far away.

  12. ...Ipoh city town hall is a classic beauty! Thanks Nancy for sharing it, take care and enjoy your day.

  13. Such a joy to see your home grown and home cooked meal.

  14. Love your review as always ))

  15. that Crepe ginger flower is beautiful! And the city hall building is very interesting and pretty, too. If pretty is the right word for a building.

  16. Ipoh Town Hall is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the Bible verse.

  17. I had to google bringals and pomfrets along with threadfin!!!

  18. Thank you for sharing with us this week at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2020/08/oriental-lily.html

  19. Excellent photos and I love your garden harvest. Your home cooked food looks so delicious!

  20. I really would enjoy the Onion omelette.Have a great Tuesday Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  21. Oh the food. That omelette reminded me of a veggie omelet that our favorite place to eat on the delta serves. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

  22. Love your home cooked meals, so delicious with home grown vegetables. Was Wednesday a public holiday in perak? For KL, the public holiday was on Thursday.

    1. Oh, its my mistake. You are very observant. Its Thursday and not Wednesday. Thanks for pointing that out to me. Lol! That show I am really getting old.

  23. Interesting way to prepare fish. Blessings!

  24. I envy you your own garden so much! I´ve always been dreaming of one ♥ ❤

    Blog de la Licorne * Instagram * We♥It

  25. Your meals that you claim are simple look so good. Love the flowers, and that is quite a majestic building.

  26. Que sabrosos y sanos platos Nancy. Besos.

  27. Todo me parece muy bueno. Besos.


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