Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Harvesting Home Grown Veggie For Dinner

After about a week plus without rain, it has started to rain again. This time, it usually rains in the afternoon or evening.

Sunrise at 7:25am.
Hubby's vertical garden.
Bok choy growing in hubby's vertical garden.
Some were ready for harvest.
These were harvested for dinner.
Minced meat with egg patties, ginger slices and bok choy in soup.
Sitiawan mee sua or wheat noodle in soup for dinner.
Mee Sua will always reminds me of my childhood years in Sitiawan.

For the reverence and fear of God are basic to all wisdom.
Knowing God results in every other kind of understanding.
"I, Wisdom, will make the hours of your day more profitable and
the years of your life more fruitful."
Wisdom is its own reward, and if you scorn her,
you hurt only yourself.
(Proverbs 9:10-12, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. ...nothing could be fresher!

  2. With the rising prices these days, we sure can save a lot by growing our own vegetables. Plus no chemical fertilisers, no pesticides, 100% organic!

    1. Thank you, STP. We are trying to grow to meet our need plus we do get satisfaction out of harvesting what we have grown.

  3. I just had minced meat balls with seafood soup and rice not long ago, yums. Wow your hubby's vertical garden looks so pleasing. Mee sua is my favourite.

  4. The only veggie I can think I don't care for is Lima beans.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I don't think I have eaten lima beans before.

  5. The vertical garden in itself is very decorative and beautiful. Hats off to your hubby!

    1. Thank you, PH. Glad the vertical garden is keeping him busy.

  6. What a great meal with those home grown bok choy!

  7. the sight of the home grown green veggies is so satisfying! i would feel accomplished to have a nicely grown veggies in my garden.

    1. Too bad when the veggie looks beautiful on the vertical garden, it is time to harvest the veggie.

  8. Beautiful and yummy, what more to say? Other than thank you for sharing.

  9. Your hubby's vertical garden looks beautiful apart from producing veggie leaves. There is nothing like freshly plucked and cooked! Nice morning sky

  10. Love your hubbies garden. Beautiful and I always love your food.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

  11. Great way to grow veggies. They must taste wonderful! Hugs, Valerie

  12. That is such a cool vertical garden!

  13. Your husband was pretty clever to come up with that idea. The dinner looks yummy.

  14. Oh wow yummy yummy! And home grown too!

  15. wow ....i like nutricious food....Bok choy is my favourit too. It make our soup have a crunchy ingredient between the smooth one, mee sua...yummy ^^

  16. The food looks so good, your husband is doing very well with growing his vegetables, too.

  17. Thank you Nancy! Congrats to your husband for his very well done vertical vegetables garden. Looks nice and works well. Your mi sua with meat and egg patties look so delicious! I guess you must be very busy doing spring cleaning, right?

    1. Thank you, Mun. My spring cleaning is only half way through.

  18. Nice vegetables grown. I made my own soup with leftover ham we had Christmas evening. Vegetables it as well with a Pasta sauce that has tomato, pumpkin and butternut sauce in it with vegetable broth with a few other things. It was delicious and my husband ate a bit more than I expected. We've been having rain most of the week. God bless.

    1. Thank you, Beckyl. When it comes to soup, home cooked soup is always better.


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