Saturday 6 November 2021

Homemade Char Siew (BBQ Pork)

It has been raining almost every evening. Most of the mornings are gray.

Morning sky at 6:53am
Morning at 7:20am
Home cooked dinner.
I was thinking of home made bbq pork (char siew). I defrosted and marinated the pork shoulder before I slow cooked it in a non stick pan. Can you see the thick slab of fat attached to the meat? I should have removed the layer of fat to make fried lard instead. I usually use pork belly to make bbq pork.
Home grown Brazilian spinach with dried shrimp and egg soup.
Simple yet satisfying dinner for 2.
Some bird photos (not very clear) from my morning walk.
Looks like a pair of pigeon.
This looks like a kingfisher.
This one looks like a mourning dove.

You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
You have taken away my clothes of mourning
and clothed me with joy,
that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever!
(Psalm 30:11-12, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. Love the Kingfisher. Look at that BEAK. It must be his fishing rod!

    1. I have seen this type of Kingfisher near my house, probably wanting to fish on some of my guppies.

  2. Nice clicks Nancy.Have a great weekend

  3. Looks good. My missus made using Uncle James' char siew sauce...using the air fryer. Turned out very good, we loved it. She has since stocked up on a few packets of the char siew sauce.

    1. Thank you, STP. I was thinking of getting the air fryer but somehow I didn't. I haven't tried Uncle James' char siew sauce. I mixed the sauces which are easily available at home.

  4. Yes I'd prefer to remove the fat too, feel less guilty when eating. Looks very yummy with that much sauce.

    1. Hubby always request for more sauce to go with the rice.

  5. Ingo would be at your table in no time, LOL.
    Me... huhhhh. Inconsequently I like cold lard with fried onions on bread, though.
    Hmmm spinach!
    The kingfisher looks cute.

    1. Thank you, Iris. Cold lard with fried onions on bread sounds interesting.

  6. Hello Nancy,
    Love the pretty sky images. The birds enjoy perching on the wires, great sighting of the pigeon, dove and the kingfisher. Your BBQ pork looks delicious. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for your comment, link and visit.

    1. Thank you, Eileen for hosting. Have a great week.

  7. Ya, that thick slab of fat would make very good ju Yao zhar. I am sure they still could be made into ju Yao zhar if u cut them off and wash off the char siew sauce and deep fried them. Very tasty looking char siew. So yummy! What happened to the thick slab of fat in the end?

    1. Ha ha I have to throw the fat away. No problem with hubby.

  8. The bbq pork makes me hungry. Nice to see the white-throated kingfisher.

    My latest post:

  9. Kingfishers are one of my favorites — there are so many different ones throughout the world. You were quick to get a photo: my experience is that they don’t stay still for long.

    best… mae at maefood.blogspot.oom

  10. ...the char siew looks good to me.

  11. That BBQ pork sure looks good Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  12. Love your morning pics ♥
    I love char siew, and sometimes
    the left over are put in a fried rice...yum!


    1. Thank you, Ann. Yes, fried rice would be nice.

  13. The Kingfisher is a neat sighting! Love your wonderful meals too!

  14. We have shrimp quite often.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. We love shrimps and can only have moderately.

  15. Bellos pajaritos y ricos camarones. Te mando un beso

  16. The pork and greens looking tasty.

  17. The pork looks delicious, such a nice dinner with the veggies! :)

    Hope that you are having a good weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  18. Hola, Nancy. A mi me gusta del cerdo hasta los andares, jeje, que por cierto, por aquí se crían en las dehesas donde se alimentan de bellotas, y se les llama cerdo Ibérico, de una carne muy sabrosa.
    Nunca había oído que la manteca se freía, nosotros la usamos para embadurnar una paleta de cerdo o de cordero, cuando la asamos al horno, como también para hacer repostería como tortas, polvorones, etc.
    Y las espinacas también me encantan, aunque nunca las probé con camarones secos, porque por aquí no los hay.
    El día, como tu bien dices, un poco gris, pero los días de lluvia también tienen su encanto.
    Un abrazo, amiga.

  19. Such a great cook you are. It looks great!!

  20. The pork looks delicious. We have had rain quite alot lately. Cold the last few days as well. Scripture verse is so good. There is always something to feel blessed with throughout the day! Thanks for sharing scripture. Have a blesssed day!

  21. It's fun to watch the birds, isn't it.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. Wish I have a better camera.


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