Saturday 19 February 2022

Prawn Noodle, Wild Boar Rendang, Porridge With Fried Dace & Salted Egg

I had a packet of Hokkien Prawn Noodle ready made paste that was near expiry date. 

I used the paste to cook Hokkien Prawn Noodle for lunch.
Ingredients used: big prawns, chicken drumstick meat cut into cubes, beansprouts and home grown chives. I kept the remaining soup for next day's breakfast.
For dinner, hubby went out to buy wild boar rendang (RM10) from a nearby Indian stall.
I had bread with the wild boar rendang while hubby had instant noodle with the wild boar rendang. He is not a fan of bread.
The next morning's breakfast.
After returning from our morning walk, I heated up the prawn soup.
We had Hokkien prawn noodle with hot milo for breakfast.
Simple dinner for 2 people.
I boiled plain brown rice porridge.
Opened a can of fried dace with salted black beans.
There were 2 fried dace with the black beans.
I actually like the black beans than the fried dace.
I boiled 2 salted duck eggs. I am too lazy to pickle the eggs. Nowadays it is more convenient to buy from the store.
Hubby likes to eat porridge with the above fermented white bean curd (fu yue). He likes the one with sesame oil and chili added.
This time I managed to take a snapshot of the black bird that comes to shred my banana leaves and flies off with the banana leaf shreds. I do not know the identity of the bird. The picture is not clear so I don't know if anyone can help to identify this bird.

A friendly discussion is as stimulating
as the sparks that fly when iron strikes iron.
(Proverbs 27:17, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I love salted duck eggs! The prawn noodles look so appetizing.

  2. Your home cooked Hokkien prawn noodles are so beautifully presented and full of ingredients! Wild boar rendang sounds interesting and I am sure it is delicious. I happen to love bread but can't eat too much or too often as I tend to put on weight. So sad. LOL!

    1. The wild boar rendang is very good. So true, bread makes me put on weight. So now I try not to buy bread.

  3. Your food is always so varied and looks delicious. Great photos, too. I don't know what sort of a bird it is. Glad you got a snapshot! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you, Valerie. Have a great weekend too.

  4. Omg looks amazing! Now I'm starving <3

  5. Oooo...your prawn noodles are simply awesome!!! Such huge prawns. My missus loves that tau joo with her porridge, not me.

    1. Hubby like tau joo with his porridge. I seldom eat it with porridge, I use it for cooking. Lol!

  6. Hello Nancy,:=) Maybe the bird is a Starling, I think I can see some white spots, but I'm not sure.
    Have a happy weekend.

    1. I am not sure because the photo is not clear. Have a happy weekend too.

  7. Looks yum! I like salted duck eggs 😁!

  8. I love black beans, too!
    Ingo made mustard eggs yesterday, yum!

  9. Hello Nancy,
    Your prawns and meals look delicious. Great capture of the Blackbird, it is a Starling? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I wish the photo is a bit clearer. I can't make out the spots.

  10. ...the prawns for me please, enjoy your weekend, Nancy!

  11. Your prawn noddle sure looks delicious! Have a great weekend Nancy! :)

  12. Walaueh! Your prawns are so huge in the noodles! Yummy eh.
    I am a great fan of bread and always have a big loaf for myself to slowly eat them daily. Now I make Bak Kwa sandwich everyday because we received 7-8 packets of bak kwa for CNY.

    1. Thank you, TM. I am cutting down on bread even though I love bread. Can't eat bread too often because I put on weight easily. I like bak kwa with bread but too bad, no more bak kwa.

  13. You'll probably know what I was looking for? If not I'll let you know. It's PRAWNS ( SHRIMPS ) That dish looks so good Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. Yes, I know you love prawns/shrimps.

  14. Your food looks delicious. Specially the prawn noodle soup.
    Lucky that you have captured this bird.
    Have a great day!

  15. The prawns are HUGE! Your banana shreds would make good nesting materials.

  16. I would have enjoyed eating with you today. :-))) Keep safe Diane

  17. Fried Lace, never heard of it.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  18. You got such a good photo of the bird! Interesting meals this week. Sounds like you enjoyed them and they were tasty! Hugs, Diane

  19. It sounds like that bird wants shreds of the banana leaf to make a nest.

  20. Ricos fideos con gambas. Te mando un beso.

  21. Wish I could pop in to lunch, the prawn noodle dish looks yummy.

  22. Superb home cooked Prawn Noodle! Must be very tasty. I also prefer to eat Wild Boar Rendang with bread instead of rice. Porridge With Fried Dace & Salted Egg is very flavourful. Fu Yue I think too but I seldom pay attention to the ingredients. As long as is fu Yue then I eat with congee. The bird is just a silhouette so can't identify. Did the bird return for u to take a close up photo?

    1. Thank you, Mun. This is the only photo I managed to take.

  23. That looks delicious! Unlucky, I don't know what the name of the bird is :(

  24. I always say "Yes" for the seafoods. Fried dace looks delicious. Have a wonderful new week.

  25. Muy buena tu comida. Feliz semana.

  26. The bird just looks like a crow to me.

    Oh wow very fancy prawn noodle, thumbs up!


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