Friday 25 February 2022

Sky Watching & Growing Tomatoes In My Garden

The following sky photos were taken end of 2021 on our morning walk.

Sunrise at 7:05am.
Sunrise at 7:13am
Morning walk at 7:26am
View of Kledang Hill at 7:28am.
The following are photos of tomato plants growing in my garden.
This is Grand Roma Tomato Round.
The seeds were from the "Jom Tanam" packaging.
Tomato flowers.
I grow these tomato plants in pots.
I have 4 pots of tomato plants with 2 plants in a pot.
The plants in one pot was not doing well, so I remove the plants.
Even though there are not many tomatoes, I am happy to see these few tomatoes on the plants.
Took this snapshot after a rainy morning.
The rain droplet still hanging from the base of the tomato.
This is the first time I have grown this type of tomatoes.
Beautiful tomato.
It is ripening.
So far, I have harvested 3 tomatoes from my garden and I ate them raw, fresh from the garden. I am looking forward to use some of the tomatoes for salad.

We are saved by trusting.
And trusting means looking forward to getting something
we don't yet have - for a man who already has something
doesn't need to hope and trust that he will get it.
(Romans 8:24, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. So have you ever eaten fried green tomatoes? They are a big thing here in the south. There is even a book by that name.

    1. Ginny, I haven't tried fried green tomatoes. Once I ate a half ripe tomato raw and I was sick for the whole day.

  2. Great pics and... I never saw a tomato flower - beautiful!

  3. Very nice and calming photos! Wish I can setup my home garden too, soon :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  4. Love the sky pics, and your tomatoes are doing so well! Hugs, Valerie

  5. You have such a nice neighborhood. The roads are so wide and safe for morning walks.
    I have decided to buy seeds and start planting in the pots like you. Soon I will be boasting my own harvests. Hahaha I need lots of luck.

    1. Yes, we can safely walk in the early morning when there is less traffic. We don't use the main road because of fast moving traffic. We used the smaller roads in the housing area.

  6. u have very good gardening skills...all your plants seem fertile and flourish with fruits/produce!

  7. Muy buenos tomates Nancy. Gracias por tus palabras. Abrazos y hasta pronto.

  8. Beautiful sunrise shots! The tomato plants are doing really good.

  9. ...your tomatoes look wonderful, ours come from a. greenhouse now. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. Your tomatoes sure are coming along nicely!

  11. Beautiful tomatoes! Sure they will taste extra good.

    1. I have tasted one and it was very fresh and nice but some were with worms which I have to throw away.

  12. Nothing better than fresh tomatoes from your garden. Yummy.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Nancy. ♥

  13. I like your sky pictures. I am amazed that you can grow so many fine tomatoes in pots. Good to see!

  14. Beyond Stunning - Well Done


  15. Thanks for the Sky Watching photos. So nice to see your Growing Tomatoes photos too. I like to eat tomatoes raw too but I read that cooked tomatoes have more beneficial nutrients to the body. What do you think?

    1. Thank you, Mun. I usually eat my tomatoes cooked. Only eat them raw in salads.

  16. Ours are growing faster than we can eat them. Our oval cherry tomatoes are very productive, a lot for us to enjoy!!! All very nice, sweet and crispy.

    1. I think I will grow cherry tomatoes next round.

  17. Amazing Nancy. Beautiful tomatoes.

    Cruisin Paul

  18. Tomato sandwiches, just sliced tomato on bread with a tiny bit of mayonnaise, are a huge favorite here.

  19. Lindas flores y lindos tomates. Te mando un beso.

  20. Nice looking tomatoes
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  21. Lovely dawn sky and I love fresh tomatoes. It's wonderful to eat tomatoes from the bush.

  22. Looks like you'll have a good harvest when they're ready. Mine were tiny so I'm jealous! #GardenAffair

    1. I am happy with the tomatoes but were disappointed because some have worms in them.

  23. Tomatoes look nice. Its good to keep them in the sun. We have had issues where we live due where they are plantred without alot of tomatoes. Raw ones from own garden is good. I saw a lot of clouds and rain Sat and Sunday when driving to and from Washington state. Lovely blue sky and Mt Hood with snow on Sat a.m.

  24. Wow ! Yummy the tomatoes looks drool worthy, Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair


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