Saturday, 20 April 2019

Thankful For A Blessed Day

First, I want to wish all my friends and readers:


I woke up just before the alarm clock went off. It was another warm day and we wanted to start our walk early.
 We were out of the house by 6:30 am.
This is the best moon image I can get with my smartphone camera.
 Fried rice vermicelli with pork and prawns for my breakfast.
Fried flat rice noodle with prawns and egg for hubby's breakfast.
My tall okra plant with the long okras.
Reminds me of "Jack and the giant bean stalk" story. 
Red okra plants bearing fruits.
 This morning's harvest from my garden.
 Accompanied a friend who wanted to eat the above for lunch.
Roast pork, bbq pork & stuffed intestine (siew cheong) & rice.
*     *     *     *     *
I tried out a simple crunchy peanut jam recipe.
 This was the result. Good, but a bit too think.
Home made peanut jam to eat with bread.
*     *     *     *     *
The weather is too warm, not in the mood for home cooking.
This was our dinner. 2 pieces of chapati (Indian bread) with spicy sambal and sardine curry, 10 sticks of satay (bbq chicken) and 1 glass of black coffee with ice.
Chicken satay with peanut sauce.
Vertical garden.

A friend sent me this image of a millipede from her garden.
Then, I sent this image to her of this millipede from my garden.
Whoever uses this stairway will have to get my approval.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

So use every piece of God's armor
to resist the enemy whenever he attacks,
and when it is all over, you will still be standing up.
But to do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and
the breastplate of God's approval.
(Ephesians 6:13-14, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. How nice you made your own peanut butter! Currently my favorite is Pic's peanut butter. Expensive but so good. I am amazed by your extra long okra!

    1. A friend gave me a bottle of unsweetened peanut butter from her oversea trip. I check at Jaya Grocer and it is not cheap. So that is how I tried to make my own peanut butter.

  2. Happy weekend to you too nancy.

    Looking at the millipede gives me goosebumps!

    I miss eating satay, i usually order pork satay.

    1. I am a big fan of satay, especially chicken or pork.

  3. Your moon image has nice feel and I liked the details on your friend’s millipede. The vertical garden is cool with leafy shadows.
    Happy Easter

  4. I like that dog. It is a beautiful. Happy weekend and happy easter!

  5. ...I never knew that okra grew so tall, Happy easter Nancy.

    1. This is the long type of okra. Happy new week, Tom!

  6. Hello, pretty capture of the moon! Your okra plants look great! Love the cute doggie. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! Happy Easter! PS, thanks for commenting on my post.

  7. Happy Easter to you and your family too! wow,! your peanut butter must be very pure peanut - so delicious!

    1. Thank you, Mun. Yes, pure peanuts and very yummy!

  8. I love what you & your hubby are having for breakfast but for me it's for dinner. Isn't it amazing the differences with the two countries. I'll have to show you a photo of what we usually have for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

    Have a Happy Easter Nancy.

    Cruisin Paul

  9. We do not get such long okra here in the stores, they harvest it earlier. If it gets too long, it seems to get tough.

    Beautiful pictures and fun creatures as always!

    1. This is the long type okra and it is still tender at this length. There are short ones that won't grow this long.

  10. A beautiful morning, a good looking pup and oh the food. I love your foodie posts.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. Happy Easter. ♥

  11. Estupenda entrada! ! Te espero por mi blog! Buenas noches!

  12. I love vermicelli, and this looks divine. Your peanut butter looks good! How long can you keep the jar?

    1. Thank you, Ginny. Since its pure peanuts, without addictives, I tried to finish it as soon as possible. We managed to finished it within 2 weeks kept at room temperature.

  13. Hot hot hot! Sort of like here in Florida. We’re subtropical. Peanut butter is probably my favorite foods, but good organic varieties are readily avaiable in the stores. Not something I’d make at home. Happy Easter!

    1. Thank you, Sallie. Peanut butters are available but mostly are very sweet. The good ones and unsweetened peanut butter are expensive. Happy new week!

  14. You've having good food at every meal!

    1. Thank you, Stacy. I am a no fuss person. Lol!

  15. Your millipede is shining :)

  16. Blessed Easter to you and family, Nancy!

  17. Vertical gardens are so interesting....


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