Monday, 15 March 2021

Glutinous Rice Dumpling, Roast Pork & Blanched Malabar Spinach

I almost forgot the 2 glutinous rice dumplings that were in the fridge. So instead of steaming rice, I steamed the glutinous rice dumplings to go with the dishes for dinner.

Steamed glutinous rice dumplings in their wrapping.
Hubby came home from his meet-up with a friend gave hubby a packet of roast pork which I used to stir fry with onions, chilies, and sauces.
Blanched Malabar spinach, drizzled with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce.
This was our home cooked dinner. Some may think it is weird to eat glutinous rice dumpling with these dishes but it is fine with us. We kept the leftover roast pork in the fridge.
Pests found on the seed pods of my Water Jasmine plant.
I was watering my plants when I noticed these pests clinging on the seed pods.
I googled and found that these are common milkweed insects. So far, they haven't done any damage to my plants.
I sprayed water with my garden hose to get rid of them and until now, there is no sign of them on any of the plants.

So get rid of all the filth and evil in your lives,
and humbly accept the word God has planted in your hearts,
for it has the power to save your souls.
(James 1:21, New Living Translation-NLT)


  1. So many delicious food! I want some glutinous rice dumplings.

  2. It is fine with me too... cos I also eat the weirdest combination of meals too!

  3. I am fine with eating bak chang with dishes. Like you, I am also working hard to clear my freezer and fridge. Still got two packs of cny frozen dishes in my freezer. How about you?

    1. Hopefully, I can clear all the foodstuffs by end of the month.

  4. Milkweed insects! Let me google them to find out more. GOD is great to create so many types of living beings. Do you have any figures of how many types of living beings there are in the universe?

  5. rice dumpling with roasted pork...yumzzz!!

  6. ...the roast pork stir fry sure looks good! Nancy, I hope that your day is off to a great start.

  7. The food looks great. Those bugs don't look good. Spray something to kill them.

    Cruisin Paul

    1. Thank you, Paul. Hope the bugs stay away from my plants.

  8. Presentation of these rice dumplings is great. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  9. Your dinner looks so delicious! I hope the little insects stay away from your plants.

  10. Great foods and looks tasty! İ want a plate of rice dumpling. Thank you.

  11. Hubby loves, loves, loves rice dumplings. He has several in the freezer to enjoy. Makes him a nice breakfast.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Nancy. ♥

    1. I too love, love, love rice dumplings. Lol! Enjoy your day.

  12. Tasty and nutrituous food again.
    What did you do in the days before google and youtube?

    1. Thank you, Yogi. I really appreciate google and youtube.

  13. I have never seen insects like this, they are pretty iccky!

  14. dumplings look really fancy, no doubt they are delicious.

  15. I am so making blanched spinach tonight with garlic oil, oyster and soy sauce. Those bugs are interesting! I do hope they don't do anything to your plants. Thanks for visiting! Have a marvellously happy day!

  16. Hopefully the little critters stay away.

  17. glutinous rice dumpling in my country called bacang, it usualy use slice of meet or chicken that mixed by salted egg...

    and i love your garden with those beautiful plant ^^

  18. Your dinner looks lovely and it's great you were able to get rid of the pests on your plants!

    Hope your week is going well! It's a rainy one here!

    Away From The Blue

  19. La comida se ve muy sabrosa. Besos.

  20. Good food, as always.

    No matter what, there's always another bug, isn't there.

    1. Yes, can never really get rid of all of them.

  21. I love roast pork cooked like that.

    Gahh so geli the pests.

    1. That is why I had to spray water on them to make them go away.

  22. Interesting combination. I have never eaten rice dumpling with dishes before. Is it nice? I can never do gardening as I am so scare of insects and pests, so geli.

    1. Ha ha me this combination is nice but don't know about others. I agree that some pests are very geli.


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