Friday 16 September 2016

Growing Dark Purple Corn or Maize In My Garden.

A good friend told me that she had some dark purple corn seeds. I was very curious and I asked her to pass me some seeds to grow in my garden. This was my first time trying to grow corn in my garden. Anyway, I sowed the few seeds given to me in small containers. When they were ready, I transferred them into 2 big pots.
Due to lack of space, I placed 2 plants in each pot. I don't know whether I will get any harvest or not but it was fun and interesting to watch them grow.
My maize plant started to bear flowers. First time seeing maize flowers.
From the internet, I learned that these are male flowers, called corn plant tassels.
 The leaves are long and look like sugar cane leaves.
Taking a closer look - they looked like grains.
This plant looked healthy. Signs of ears of corn appearing.
The yellow hairs are called silks. Since it was my first time, I was not sure when to harvest.
When I finally harvested the first corn, it was a bit over matured.
Even though it was not a big one, I was very happy with the first fruit! Though it was a bit over matured, I happily chewed on the fresh raw kernels. I first learned to eat raw maize kernels from my sister and I am glad I did because I love the raw taste.
At least I have tried growing corn in my garden and able to post about it. Lol!
*     *     *     *     *
The following sunrise photos are for joining Skywatch Friday.
Photo #1 - 06:52:55 am - sunrise shot taken from my house.
Photo #2 - 06:58:32 am - sunrise shot at the recreation park.
Photo #3 - 07:00:19 am - sunrise shot taken as we walk around the lake.
Photo #4 - 07:00:32 am
Photo #5 - 07:02:10 am
Photo #6 - 07:02:22 am
Photo #7 - 07:02:59
Photo #8 - 07:03:10 am - hope you enjoyed the beautiful sunrise photos.

Linking to Skywatch Friday.

"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;
For you will go on before the LORD to prepare His ways;
To give to His people the knowledge of salvation
By the forgiveness of their sins,
Because of the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,
To shine upon those who sit in darkness
and the shadow of death,
to guide our feet into the way of peace."
(Luke 1:76-79. New American Standard Bible-NASB)


  1. Lovely shots! The sky is stunning.

  2. Nan, the purple one are good in taste ? Raw corns are sweet. How many corns did you get from 1 plant ? If you plant on ground, the fruit should be big:)

    1. It could be due to over matured. It tasted less juicy than the normal ones. From 1 plant, I got 1 corn. Hope to go for another try.

  3. wow that's just cool! Have never seen purple corn over here.

    1. Thank you, Angie. It was a first time for me!

  4. Replies
    1. The corn must be fresh when eaten raw, then it will be very sweet.

  5. I admire your enthusiasm for popping those seeds in a pot and growing the corn! I've never seen corn grown in a pot before, here we have enormous fields of it. You did very well, harvesting that purple ear ;)

    1. Thank you, dear. I have limited space in my tiny garden. Hopefully I will get better harvest the next time.

  6. Nice skyshots,haven't seen purple corn before.

    1. Thank you, Thomas. It was my first time seeing and growing the purple corn.

  7. I have never tried raw corn before. Your sky shots are amazing.

    1. Thank you, Mamas. I like the taste of raw corn as well as the cooked ones.

  8. Well done, Nancy the purple corn is very unusual and you have enjoyed the process of growing it!
    The sunrise shots are wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Christine. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  9. That is so lovely! Even darker than the ones we get here. I love your enthusiasm. Lack of space isn't a deterrent. Your sky shots are stunning!!

    1. Thank you, dear. It was fun and interesting to watch them grow and rewarding to be able to harvest the fruit of my labour.

  10. Your sunrises are beautiful. Dawn here is at about ten to seven at the moment.

    1. Thank you, William. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  11. Lovely post indeed :)))
    Never seen dark purple corn...


  12. You have an amazing green thumb.

    I love all the sky pictures.

    Have a fabulous day Nancy. ☺

  13. Beautiful photos, Nancy! Oh, and just to let you know, the French term for corn is mais (pronounced May iss). :)

    1. Thank you, Linda for the French term for corn. It does sounds like maize. Have a beautiful Sunday!

  14. Beautiful sunrise, and I love those trees! They really add a wonderful silhouette. What an adventure, and you did keep me in suspense. A lot of people around here grow corn in their yards, right in the city. Pretty color! Some colors of corn around here are called Indian Corn.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. I am encouraged to have another try at growing maize. Hope to have better harvest this time!

  15. Well done, that looks good. Maize has been my life, we grew acres of it in Rhodesia and South Africa and now it is grown all over France as well so I see it all the time. Take care Diane

    1. I have not seen a maize field yet. I must be a beautiful sight with the maize plants growing together in open fields. Take care too!

  16. Wow! You have green fingers. how long did it take to grow from seed to harvest? I must try eating corn raw but must be organic non gmo corns. Will you be growing more purple corns from your harvest?

    1. For the purple corn, I forgot keep track of the progress. I have just germinated a few purple corn seeds and hopefully I will have been harvest this round.

  17. Oh wow, you grow corn too! You really do have a green thumb.

    1. I am always game to try out new plants. I enjoy seeing their progress.

  18. Wow, Nancy! I am amazed. I have seen this purple corn (preserved ones) at the lab during my genetics class many years ago. I had no idea that it can be planted here. You have so many wonderful plants in your garden!

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong. You are lucky, I only get to know that there is purple corn recently. I have this interest to try to grow new things in my garden.

  19. Lovely post dear!Have a great weekend! xx

    1. Thank you, Beauty. Have a great weekend too!

  20. Thank you, Eleine. Have a great Sunday!

  21. Too bad, i do not have a garden, if not, can learn how to do gardening...

    1. Hi Sharon, can start with small pots for small ornamental plants. Lol! Have a great Sunday!

  22. Ooh the colour of the corn was a surprise to me! I didn't read the first part properly and expected yellow corn. :)

    1. This is my first time seeing dark purple corn here locally. Now I have 3 seedlings growing in my garden, in pots again. Hope this time I will get a better harvest! Ha ha!


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