Saturday 15 September 2018

Mini Zoo At Aeon Big Shopping Mall, Ipoh.

On the 31st August, we were at the Aeon Big Shopping Mall with some friends. It was a public holiday to celebrate our nation's national day. There was an expo held at the shopping mall. We couldn't find any parking in the open space so we have to drive up to the roof top to park our car.

Saw a small crowd at this corner. I was curious and went for a closer look.
Looks like a fun place for kids.
It was a mini zoo at the mall
A pair of big rabbits in a cage
Front view of the same rabbits.
Another big rabbit in a separate cage.
I have never seen such big rabbit before.
Chickens and pigeons
Children were allowed into the pen to touch or hold the birds.
A youngster holding a pink pigeon with fluffy feathers.
A brown and white feathered pigeon.
It has fluffed up feathers around its neck.
Saw this at another part of the shopping mall.
Dolls painting.
Choose and pick your favourite doll to paint.
*     *     *     *     *
One morning we were passing by this way in old town.
We stopped to take a few pictures.
Near an entrance door which was padlocked.
A vending machine or a door?
I didn't stay to find out.
A view of Ipoh old town, part of Jalan Bijeh Timah.

Linking to Saturday's Critters.

You may know that there is nothing wrong with what you do,
even from God's point of view, but keep it to yourself;
don't flaunt your faith in front of others who might be hurt by it.
In this situation, happy is the man who does not sin
by doing what he knows is right.
(Romans 14:22, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. it is lovely that children have the opportunity to get close to some critters. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you, Margaret! I think so too because many children living in the city have no chance to get close to these critters.

  2. Hello, that is a fun mall. I would love getting up close to the cute bunnies and chickens. The doll painting is fun too. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks also for the visit and comment on my blog. An answer to your comment, there are no crocodiles in this area, thankfully.

  3. Huge and cuddly rabbits! But the most shocking and stunning to me is the pink pigeon!! Is it really pink, or dyed? Do you actually have pigeons there that are pink? It looks like a beautiful toy.

    1. Thank you, Ginny! This is the first time I have seen a pink pigeon.

  4. AWe, this is neat, i love that you guys had to enjoy animals and art! Wish kids all around the world experience this so when they grow up, they appreciate nature esp animals so we have a genration that protects!

    1. Thank you, Steve! Have a wonderful new week!

  5. Those animals are a good experience for kids.

    1. Yes, some of them have not seen live animals nor touch them before.

  6. Would have been such a lovely experience for the children to touch and hold those birds,even that painting on dolls...

    1. Thank you, dear! Good to see some of the parents helping their children paint the dolls.

  7. Quite many activities in the mall. Thanks for sharing the photos of old town. The photos reminded me that I have not been to Ipoh old town for a few years now. Time to go again.

    1. Oh yes, Mun! Ipoh beckons you to visit soon!

  8. Thanks for the beautiful post!

  9. That looks like a door to me

  10. These are wonderful places for the little ones to visit. The critters love it and so do the kids.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! Yes, they both enjoyed it!

  11. Awww what a fun day at the mall ;) cute animals ;)

    I love your blog! I’m following and I would love if you could follow me too ;) Xoxo

    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

  12. Sometimes it would be nice to be a child again for a day.

  13. Oooh I would have loved that mini zoo.

  14. nice place not only for kids!

    1. Thank you, Ola! I am sure the parents enjoy it too.

  15. Those pigeons are so fancy. I love the pink one!

  16. Wow, the animals look so cute!! I wish I was there to pet them!

    1. Thank you, Liana! I am sure the pets would love to be pet!

  17. I have mixed feelings of zoos of any kind. On one hand they can be a great way to foster a love for animals and desire to treat them with kindness and respect. On the other hand they can treat them like objects for human entertainment with no respect or their needs or lives.

    1. Yes, I too felt the same! Have a wonderful new week!

  18. Thank you, Vicki! Same for me too!

  19. If I see a crowd, I will sure be curious to walk over to see...


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