Monday 1 May 2017

Terrible Thunderstorm Brought Down Our Ipoh Tree.

Last Friday 28th April was our Golden Girls lunch gathering day.  It was a very hot day and we were searching for shaded places to park our cars. We had lunch at Tokyo Kitchen, a newly opened Japanese food outlet in Aeon, Falim.

After lunch, we moved to the supermarket section to do some shopping. Just as we were about to leave, we realized that there was a heavy storm outside. Many customers were crowing behind the glass doors waiting and watching the rain and strong wind blowing outside.

It was past 4 pm when the strong wind stopped and the rain slowed down. When I sent my friends to their cars I noticed a small tree leaning towards my friends' cars. Thankfully, it was a small tree and it didn't crash on their cars. As I drove home, I saw a big tree fallen on top of a roadside food stall and many broken branches scattered along the road sides. A blown off zinc sheet was found on the road. Recently, we have been having frequent thunderstorm and cases of uprooted trees.

That evening, when hubby and I went out for our dinner, we were rerouted to the opposite direction. A very big tree had been uprooted and it fell right across the main road, totally blocking the 2 way traffic. The rain had stopped by now and we too stopped to take a look at the damage.
This was at the traffic light junction, Silibin Road. Personnel from the Fire Department, Police, Local council, etc. were already at the scene.
At first glance, we couldn't see whether there was any casualty caught under the fallen tree.
Other trees near the site were also badly affected.
Road partly flooded - Silibin road.
Clearing work had started - these workers have been working hard this rainy season.
Cutting the branches of the fallen tree.
Curious spectators.
One car parked on the opposite side of the road was almost covered by these branches and leaves.
A thick cable prevented the branch from landing on top of the car.
Can you see the back of the car in the above picture?
At this time, we couldn't see the extent of the damage on the car.
*     *     *     *     *
The next morning at the walking track, the hot topic was about the previous evening's thunderstorm. This time the trees at the park were spared but we saw some broken branches here and there on the ground.
Sunrise at the park, the morning after the thunderstorm.
*     *     *     *     *
Later on while we were having breakfast, hubby read the new that our Ipoh tree was uprooted by the previous evening's storm. We stopped at the railway station to take a look before driving home.
The Ipoh tree in front of Ipoh Railway station was uprooted. The other remaining one is in D.R. Seenivasagam Park.
Many came to see and took photos of the Ipoh tree.
So sad to lose this tree.

Close up view of the leaves of Ipoh tree.
A picture of the Ipoh Tree taken in November, 2016 when I was at the Railway Station.
It says here that this Ipoh tree was planted in 1980, about 37 years ago.
Returning home from our morning breakfast. I haven't seen my garden since last evening's thunderstorm. I didn't know what to expect, hopefully all is safe.
Thank God, there was no great damage to my plants. My tall rose plant was toppled. Time to cut down to size my rose plant and return the pot to its upright position. 
My lone Balsam plant was uprooted. I removed it. My Begonia plant was also toppled. I placed the blue pot upright again. I looked around and am thankful that the rest of the plants were spared. Of late, I haven't been spending much time in the garden because the morning sun is very hot and it often rains in the late afternoon.

But the good man - what a different story!
For the good man - the blameless, the upright,
the man of peace - he has a wonderful future ahead of him.
For him there is a happy ending.
(Psalm 37:37, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. ptl your friends' cars are ok and the small tree did not fall on it, your garden is ok and no casualties from the storm.

    1. Praise the Lord! We are staying indoor most of the evenings!

  2. Good thing that there was minimal damage in your garden.

    1. Thank God, the damage very minimal. Have a good day!

  3. That's really a terrible thunderstorm...

    1. Yes, Sharon. A really terrible one! Have a great day!

  4. That's terrible! We are getting our share of them too but no trees have been uprooted in our locality. That is a beautiful sunrise. And I love your pots!

    1. Thank you, dear. We don't know how long the weather will continue with the storm. Have a lovely day!

  5. I am glad no one was hurt as that was a fierce storm. Sad to lose the tree though.
    Have a safe week.

    1. Thank you, Christine. Yes, sad to lose the Ipoh tree. Have a beautiful week!

  6. ...we also have had a lot of rain and high winds....stay safe.

  7. There was heavy rain and wind over the weekend too in the evenings. Scary to be out during such weather.

    Stay safe. Better stay indoor than drive out.

    1. Thank you, Rose. As far as possible we are staying indoors. You stay safe too, dear!

  8. It's so sad to have flooding and lose trees, i hope they will plant another Ipoh.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. We haven't gone back to the site to check yet. Hope they will plant a new one.

  9. Yikes. We've had a lot of downed trees here this past winter. High winds and lots of rain. I'm glad no one was hurt.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I guess many areas have climate change and hope the storm will not cause any more damage. Have a wonderful day!

  10. That was a terrible thunderstorm. Be safe.

  11. Oh my gosh! The uprooted trees are HUGE!!The winds must have been awful!!! Huge big trees with deep roots rarely are downed, unless near hurricane or tornado winds. So sad about the very old tree! Also many birds and small animals will lose their homes. And that poor car! I am so glad you are alright and did not have any major damage!

    1. I overheard some women talking about the scary howling wind. It must have been awful but we couldn't hear anything as we were inside the mall. It caused inconvenience to us but birds and small animals will lose their homes. So sad for them and also so sad about the Ipoh tree.

  12. Oh God, so sad! Be safe dear! Following your blog *

  13. Gosh you were lucky that you had little damage at home and that you were not out on the road when the trees came down. Glad you are safe. Take care Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. Fortunately, we were in the mall. Didn't even know there was a storm outside. Have a wonderful day!

  14. That was certainly some storm, such a shame about the tree. Thank goodness no one was hurt.

    1. Thank God, no one was hurt. Have a good day, Mamas!

  15. Looks very interesting) Thanks for the great post!

  16. Lucky no one was hurt when the trees fall, in Singapore, there was a case in Feb 2017 when a huge tree which was more than 270 years old fell, killing one and injuring four

    1. We had a case recently. During a thunderstorm, a tree fell on a moving car and killed a woman. Scary!

  17. Lovely post dear! Have a great week! xx

    1. Thank you, Beauty. Have a great week too!

  18. Replies
    1. And an angry one too that it uprooted so many big trees!

  19. that's terrible!! What an awful storm.. Hope everything is fine now..

    1. We don't know how long more this thunderstorm season will last. Hope the storm will not cause any more damages.

  20. That must have been some storm! Glad you were not hurt...we can replace things...though that is troublesome.

    1. We were sheltered from the storm when we were in the mall. At this moment, the sky is turning dark again. Hope no more damaging storm.

  21. Thank you, Nika. Have a happy day!

  22. Didn't know about the Ipoh trees! Erm it's not that distinctive, wouldn't know one if I saw it again.

    1. Ha ha it is just like a normal tree except that Ipoh is named after the tree and its sap is very poisonous.

  23. Replies
    1. Oh yes, it was! Have a wonderful day, William!

  24. Thunderstorms ,can be so scary at times, I hope no one was seriously hurt during the storm, trees coming down can be dangerous and frightening for the young

    1. This time no casualty but it is safer to stay indoors. Better not to have big tall trees near to our houses. Have a good day, Jo-Anne!

  25. Storm havoc around the country,it's a pity to see an old tree down.

    1. It is indeed a pity. Hopefully the storm will ease down. Have a great day, Thomas!


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