Wednesday 24 May 2017

Purple Hearts Growing In My Garden

I was with a friend in Batu Gajah and we went to visit another friend at her house. This friend has many different types of plants growing in her garden. We got attracted by a purple plant and the owner blessed us with some stem cuttings to take home.
The name of this plant is Purple Hearts or Purple Queen.
It is commonly grown for its deep purple leaves.
Her plant was placed in a shady place and as you can see from the first photo, there is some slight green onn the purple leaves.
I planted the cuttings in a hanging pot with good drainage soil. It can tolerate drought.
My plant is exposed to the morning sun and the leaves have grown deeper in colour. The leaves are thick and can grow to about 6 inches long.
For best colour, the plant needs partial to full sunlight.
 As you can see from the above photo, there are very fine hairs on the leaves. These hair may cause slight irritation to sensitive skin.
My purple heart plant has started to bloom small pink flowers at its tips.
A closer look on the pink flower with 3 petals.
The pink flower is very attractive against the deep purple leaves.
The whole plant is purple. Cutting off the long stems increases more growth. The cut off stems will propagate easily.

Linking to Floral Bliss.

God means what he says. What he says goes.
His powerful Word is sharp as a surgeon's scalpel,
cutting through everything, whether doubt or defense,
laying us open to listen and obey.
Nothing and no one is impervious to God's Word.
We can't get away from it - no matter what.
(Hebrews 4:12-13, The Message-MSG)


  1. That is so pretty Nancy - wonderful leaf color! Is it kind of tradescantia? I have had those, but they have never bloomed. Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you, Riitta. Yes, I googled search and it says it is Tradescantia pallida - Purple Heart Plant. I had the one called Wandering Jew which does not bloom. Have a nice day too!

  2. How beautiful, Nancy! I hope you are having a great week. :)

  3. We have a very similar plant at our house! It is so hardy that if you break off a piece, you can just toss it on the ground and it will grow! They are so hardy! Ours grow well in sun or shade.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I like this plant too and I will try propagating more of this plant. Have a great day!

  4. I have never seen such a plant! Really unusual, it has a strange beauty. I know yours will so super!

    1. Thank you, Ginny. It was the unusual and strange beauty of the plant that attracted us in the first place. Have a superb day!

  5. Really interesting plant and i think we do not have it in Poland

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a good week too!

  7. Enchanting purple beauty. I love it.

  8. Que maravilha, gostei desta bela planta.
    Um abraço.
    Autografos Futebol

    1. Thank you, Francisco. Have a beautiful day!

  9. lovely color !!

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  10. Those are so pretty! It sounds like they will take over an area if you leave them to do so. Not that i would mind much!

    1. Thank you, Mimi. I wouldn't mind if I have the space but I will grow them in hanging pots to display their beautiful colour. Have a fantastic day!

  11. Think this is the same plant as I know as Wandering Jew, it is lovely. Diane

    1. I have a Wandering Jew plant and the leaves are not as big as Purple Heart and it does not flower. Have a lovely day!

  12. What a nice purple color. Is it easy to propagate this plant by using stem cutting?

    1. Thank you, Mun. I haven't tried yet but from Google, it is said to be easy to propagate. Have a good day!

  13. I love the color. Wow, the leaves are even purple. Way cool.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

  14. Boa tarde, é uma linda planta totalmente da mesma cor que é bela.

  15. I don't think I've seen this plant before and it is truly beautiful!

  16. Gardening is a good hobby especially for those who love to watch plants and flowers, but a pity I do not have green fingers

    1. Thank you, Libby. It is very rewarding to see the plants grow and flower. Have a happy day!

  17. A very beautiful plant indeed.

  18. Oh so lovely, I would like this in my garden

    1. Thank you, Jo-Anne. It will surely add colour to your beautiful garden.

  19. I love this plant... When I was little, my mom had this plant in her garden...

    1. Thank you, Krishna. It is my first time coming across this plant. Have a happy day!

  20. That's a beautiful rich purple!

  21. That is such a pretty plant...such a beautiful color!

    1. Thank you, Rose. Have a beautiful weekend!


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