Wednesday 12 April 2017

Visiting FIGSFARM At Simpang Pulai With My Friends.

This is my 3rd visit to the Fig Farm after my 1st visit in February this year. Then 1 month later, we stopped to visit on our way back from a trip to Cameron Highland but none of us bought anything. My friends (husband and wife) who heard me shared about growing fig trees were interested and suggested making a trip to visit the farm. We picked last Tuesday because it was a holiday for my friends. 

After breakfast, we started the drive to Simpang Pulai in my friend's car. I guessed we were the first customers as we were there quite early. The fig plants have grown so much since my 1st visit and there were many other types of plants on sale as well. Looks like the farm is expanding.

After some introductions of the fig plants by the boss, my friends chose 2 fig plants. One was the Australia fig and the other was the BTM6. I too bought one baby fig plant and according to the boss, it is the Purple Jordan. The 1st plant I bought on my 1st visit was a Brunswick Fig.
 My friend's Australia Fig plant with fruits.
 On the left is my friend's BTM6 fig plant.
On the right is their calamansi plant, already with fruits hidden from view.
This is my Purple Jordan fig plant.
 I was looking for a calamansi plant and I found one at the fig farm.
 It was flowering and I hope to see fruits forming on the plant soon. 
 While at the farm, the boss plucked a ripe fig for us to taste.
It was of a light/pale yellowish colour. Taste wise, only a tinge of sweet.
 The fig fruit was broken into quarters and we shared it with another customer who was there with us. I can't remember which specie was this fig.
*     *     *     *     *
The following photos from my garden are for joining Floral Passions. 
Hibiscus bloom from my garden.
This is growing in a small flower pot.
 Purple and Pink Wishbone or Torenia Fournieri Flowers
 With the rain, they are now sprouting all over my garden.

Linking to Floral Bliss.

He waters the furrows with abundant rain.
Showers soften the earth, melting the clods and
causing seeds to sprout across the land.
(Psalm 65:10, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I love figs! My grandma used to make the best jam out of them.

    1. I have tasted fresh figs and I like it. Now waiting patiently for my plants to fruit.

  2. Your flowers are stunning! Especially the gorgeous Hibiscus! So you eat fresh figs from your tree?

    1. Thank you, Ginny. My fig trees are not fruiting yet. Have a beautiful day!

  3. I like the calamansi plant... fruiting di :)

    1. Now I can see tiny fruits on the tree, hope they will stay put and grow big. Lol!

  4. I'm really looking for plants to buy especially for inside the house as I'll be buying a house soon. This is helpful!

    1. Glad to know that you will be buying a house soon. For indoor plants, you will have to look for those that do not need much sunlight.

  5. Amazing pics) Thanks for sharing!

  6. How I wish I have green fingers, can plant plants...

    1. Hi Sharon, you can start with some hardy plants. Have a great day!

  7. You'll enjoy your figs Nancy. The trees look so healthy.
    Such a pretty Hibiscus, a happy colour, and I do love those sweet little colourful flowers :D)

    1. Thank you, Sue. I am hoping to see them fruit soon. Have a happy day, Sue!

  8. i love to eat figs so i hope your fig trees bear many figs for you.

    1. I love fresh figs and I am waiting to see the first fruits.

  9. If I saw a fig plant for sale, I would not be able to resist! I love dried figs. I find them delicious! Yet to try a fresh one.

    1. I like dried figs too but I find them very sweet. So I prefer fresh figs, not so sweet. I hope the 2 fig plants will bear sweet figs.

  10. ...figs are something that I know very little about.

    1. Figs is also quite new to me. I have only tasted fresh figs once and I like it. So now I am growing my own fig plants.

  11. Hey Nancy, I am not sure I have ever had a fig in fruit form, I know I have had a fig cookie though. Not even sure a fig plant would grow in Tennessee. I will have to track a fig down somewhere and give it a try. Have a great day.

    1. Hi Pam, I hope you can get a fig plant and grow one in your garden. I heard that they are easy to grow. Have a great day too!

  12. Oh yummy. My father loved figs the very best. I used to get them for him every Christmas. He'd hide them because no one else was allowed to have them.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ☺

    1. Thank you, Sandee. Your father sounds so cute. He must really love figs. Have a beautiful day!

  13. Such a big bright yellow hibiscus

    1. Thank you, Libby. Have a bright lovely day!

  14. The flowers are very pretty! I've never had figs.

    1. Thank you, William. I have just tasted figs recently. Have a good day!

  15. Boa tarde, as flores são lindas, mas o que mais me chamou atenção foi a figueira, na minha região existe muitas figueiras, muitas delas nascem selvaticamente nos campos, os figos são vermelhos escuros com um pouco de amarelo escuro por dentro, são doces como açúcar, os mesmos são aproveitados para fazer pão, compota, bolos, depois de secos são cheios de amêndoa e vai ao forno, são muito saborosos.
    Votos de Páscoa repleta de alegria! Feliz Páscoa!

    1. Thank you, AG. Over here I have heard about some wild fig trees but we don't know whether they are edible or not. We are now excited over these imported fig plants. Happy Easter to you too!

  16. Our figs are dark purple! Love the hibiscus Diane

    1. Thank you, Diane. I think the dark purple are so pretty. I hope the Purple Jordan figs will be dark purple and sweet too. Have a lovely day!

  17. Looks really interesting) Thanks for the great post!

  18. Figs are so good! The birds and squirrels eat all of ours, though.

    1. Oh dear! I must remember to protect my future figs from the birds that visit my garden. So far I haven't seen any squirrel yet.

  19. Will be interesting if you show the fig as it, love, loved your flowers. Specially that looks huge.

    1. Thank you, Rose. Oh yes, I would love to share and update on the growth of the fig plants. Have a good day!

  20. Love those purple and pink flowers..

    1. Thank you, Krishna. They are small and pretty. Have a wonderful day!

  21. Your yellow hibiscus is so beautiful and blooming right now for Easter! Sunny Easter to you Nancy & thank you for linking!

    1. Thank you, Riitta. I hope this yellow hibiscus will bloom again just for Easter morning! Thanks for hosting and Happy Easter to you too!

  22. I'm tempted by the fig plants! Do they grow big?

    Oh those wishbone flowers. I like them but they keep dying on me.

    1. If you grow them in pots, it will not grow very big. Do get some because they are easy to grow. Once the wishbone flowers were so precious but now they are growing all over my garden. Ha ha.


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