Wednesday 4 July 2018

Durian Indulgence And Sweet Dessert & Snack At Yong Yong Dessert Restaurant, Johor Bahru.

Our durian craving is too strong and two days later, we were back again to indulge in the durian fruits. The boss was happy to see us again.
 3 durian fruits opened. We were not particular with the colour of the durian flesh. Most important we get enjoy the texture and the taste of the flesh. Nothing can beat kampung durians!
 We ordered 4 kampung durians @ RM 5 per durian.
No, no, we didn't finish all of these. We packed half of these home.
 Before we can enjoy, our camera must get the first taste!
 My friend ordered this "red prawn" specie or the "hong har" (Cantonese) or "ang he" (Hokkien) durian to try. This is much, much more expensive than the kampung durian.
 This is great for those with sweet tooth.
But for the 2 of us, we still enjoy our kampung durians.
With half the amount of durian in our tummies and the other half in the take away container, its time to move on to our next destination!
How do you like these two T-shirts?
Saw these at the Sustera Mall. 
When I went to pay the parking ticket, I found this machine that said,
"Sorry, I'm taking a break. Be back soon."
This makes me smile.
We decided to stop for another round of dessert.
Iced cold dessert to wash down the durian.
 Iced Ci Kong or Leng Chee Kang
 This is Tau Suan - a starchy dessert.
 Toasted stuffed tofu with peanut sauce.
 The tofu were stuffed with blanched beansprout, etc.
 Thinly sliced yam bean or sengkuang with peanut sauce filling.
I love this! I can munch on these non stop!
This was a very fruitful and food-full day for us!

Your words are what sustain me; they are food to my hungry soul.
They bring joy to my sorrowing heart and delight me.
How proud I am to bear your name, O Lord.
(Jeremian 15:16, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. wow Wish I could taste one fresh durian! Had some durian bonbons before...very aromatic and delicious.

    1. Thank you, Angie! Nothing can be compared to a fresh durian!

  2. Amazing post, dear! A big hello from Germany!
    Hugs ♥

    1. Thank you, Liana Laurie! Greetings to you!

  3. The ticket machine message made me smile too.

  4. I am salivating at the sight of the durians. LOL!

    1. Thank you, Phong Hong! Looking out for the next round of durian! Lol!

  5. Oh my, the red prawn durians photos look so tempting with the yellow orange flesh, i love them as i have a sweet tooth, i love to eat the tau suan too

    1. On its own, the red prawn durian is nice. I am not used to the thick starchy tau suan.

  6. ...a dessert restaurant, now that's for me!

    1. We had a hard time choosing our dessert from so many choices!

  7. Todo se ve delicioso. Un beso.

  8. I love having dessert all afternoon long. Helps on those hot days.

    Love those shirts.

    Love that sign too. Machines need a break now and then too.

    Have a fabulous day, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee! Ice cold desserts are great for hot days!

  9. Replies
    1. Yes, I think I should have bought the shirts!

  10. Even after all of this time in Malaysia, I'm yet to grow a fondness for durian.

    1. I know of some local who don't take a liking to durian at all!

  11. Oh, dessert, now i wish i could have some!

    1. Yes, Mimi! I wish I can have some now too!

  12. hahaha... yes, a foodful day indeed!!

  13. I know durians have wonderful health benefits and this almost looks alike jackfruits! Liked how she enjoyably taking snaps before tasting

    1. Thank you, Jeevan! Taking food photos before eating is very common these days!

  14. The guy manning the Aeon durian counter told me pale-coloured durians are the bitter ones... I think not true la! I'd happily have kampung durian except the risk of disappointment is too high for me. :)

    1. We love the bitter ones! They are the best when they are bitter sweet!

  15. I will gladly have many rm5 durians!

    1. I heard that it is now selling at RM10 for 3! In Ipoh, I have yet to check it out.


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