Wednesday 8 May 2019

Wild Mushrooms

I came across a folder labelled "Wild Mushrooms" at one corner of my computer desktop which I have long forgotten. These wild mushroom photos were taken in the year 2016 during the rainy season during our morning walk at the park. Since then I have not noticed any wild mushrooms at the park.

 Mushrooms shaped like a brain.

 The above is a part of mushrooms seen growing in a big circle.
Maybe the fairies came out in the night to have a party or a gathering.
When others saw me taking photos, they too were curious and came near to take photos of these mushroom.
I overhead someone asking whether these are edibles. 
 No one could confirm whether these are edibles or not.

They do look very pretty.
 The above mushroom is found growing in one of the pot in my garden. These wild mushrooms appear only for a short time.

Let your roots grow down into him and draw up nourishment from him.
See that you go on growing in the Lord,
and become strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught.
Let your lives overflow with joy and thanksgiving for all he has done.
(Colossians 2:7, The Living Bible-TLB)


  1. I think these wild muushrooms are poisonous

  2. Unique mushroom forming circle pattern but it has dangerous poison. Nice article. I follow your blog now

  3. The first mushrooms are so pretty. We get wild mushrooms growing in our fields which are very tasty. We also get the fairy ring mushrooms but I think they are poisonous. I was once told to never eat the mushrooms that are yellow or white underneath, but if they are brown they are okay. I am to wary to put that to the test and only eat the field mushrooms that I know are safe.

  4. Wow. That is quite a lot of mushrooms. Usually few around, not thay many.

  5. I wonder are they edible. I read somewhere that some species of mushrooms at places where there are disintegrating flesh.

    1. That year was a very wet year and mushrooms sprout out everywhere.

  6. Would be great to be able to identify them all.

    1. Would be interesting to know more about the mushrooms.

  7. Ah! I remember that mushrooms would just suddenly appear after a wet day in the fields. I used to see a lot of it when I was a kid. Sometimes I do get them in my garden. You have snapped quite a collection.

    1. The photos were taken during the very wet months of the year. Will wait and see if any appear during this rainy season.

  8. Wow these mushrooms are photogenic <3 We used to have lots of them years ago before we moved into our new home.

    Only Yesterday

  9. You have to be careful with wild mushrooms. Knowing what you can eat and what you can't is essential. They are beautiful though.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Nancy. ♥

    1. Thank you, Sandee. I just took photos and leave them alone, dare not even touch them. Have a wonderful day!

  10. ...I like the ones with purple spots!

  11. Wow, those are spectacular pictures - I love mushrooms whether edible or not, they are such magical little things.

    1. My imagination of the fairies coming out at night planting the mushrooms! Lol!

  12. We have this kind of mushrooms! But no fairy rings, I love this!! It is enough to make you believe in fairies. You chose a perfect bible verse for this post.

    1. Thank you, Ginny. The rainy season is back, so I am looking out for mushrooms.

  13. Wow, looks interesting! beautiful photos!

  14. Curiosas setas, que andaban escondidas en un rincón de tu ordenador, por fin hoy han salido a la luz.


  15. A fairy ring! It's said when the mushrooms grow in a circle, it's because that where the fairies danced in a ring the night before, or something like that.

    Most of those don't look like the edible mushrooms i've seen, and i always figure any mushroom growing wild is poison. Some look like what we would call toadstools.

    1. I think so too, that all wild mushrooms is poisonous and better to leave them alone.

  16. Some of them are quite photogenic!

  17. Wow, I love the photos of the different shapes. I have to wonder if God has special uses for them that we can't comprehend.

    I am delighted that you chose to join My Corner of the World!

  18. I love seeing these...always love a good fairy ring! When roger was in accute rehab, he was up on the 5th floor, and I could look out at the high school soft ball field...right outside it was a huge fairy ring of mushrooms...I think it has some a lot bigger than these, but I don't think it had near as many as the one above....

    1. I am wondering about the fairy ring. Wish someone could share how the fairy ring come about.

  19. Pretty wild mushrooms and i liked the little umbrella at last!

    1. Thank you, Jeevan. They do look like fairy's umbrella.

  20. We get a lot of mushrooms g on our lawn but most are not edible!! Cheers Diane

    1. They are a pretty sight. Cheers to you too!

  21. Quite pretty actually, these mushrooms.

    1. Yes, very pretty. Can see, photograph but better not touch.

  22. Estás setas creo que son venenosas, pero son muy bonitas. Un beso.


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