Thursday 5 March 2015

Growing More Variegated Croton Plants (Pictum, Sunny Star) In My Garden

Two days ago on 3rd March 2015, I wrote about growing Croton plants (Pokok Puding) in my garden. Today, I want to share with you my other Croton plants in my garden. There are three more variety. All these were bought by my hubby as contribution to my garden. He wanted to add more colours, especially yellow to brighten up the garden.

Croton - Codiaeum Variegatum cv. 'Chrysophylla'
The leaves are in shades of bright yellow and green.
This beautiful plant had grown to a height of almost 122 cm (approx. 4 feet). This busy plant had attracted birds to build their nest among the branches and hatched their eggs there. We only came to know when we heard the baby bird's chirping for food. What joy it was to see the baby birds with their mouth wide open, chirping for food. Everyday, I have been watering the plants and yet did not even know that the nest was there. The nest was very well hidden. From then on, after watering the plants, we will stay away from the garden so as not to disturb the mother bird feeding her babies.
During the recent rainy season, the strong wind bent the branches of this plant out of shape. So I cut back on the branches and shorten the height of the plant. After a few weeks, new shoots started to grow.
The rainy season is now over and the leaves are once again showing off its bright shades of striking yellow and green.
Once again, my Croton plant is growing beautifully and adding colours to my garden.

Croton Pictum Spot
The leaves are long, narrow and green with yellow spots. This plant has been growing very well and healthy.
During the recent rainy season, this plant was over soaked with water and very soon, all the leaves started to droop and drop off until it was totally bald.
The weather is fine once again. Since all the leaves had dropped, I might as well cut back the branches. A few weeks later, I could see sign of new growth appearing on the branches.
The leaves are now growing well and healthy. Not only is the Croton doing well, I noticed a Curry leaves baby plant and a Dwarf Mexican Petunia baby plant growing in the same pot.

Croton Sunny Star or Croton Banana
The leaves are long with rounded end. The colour of the leaves change as the leaves matured and the leaves are in shades of yellow and green.
This is also potted and the plant is bushy. It is placed under the side porch but is exposed to full light.
Even though Croton is said to be toxic, as long as we take precaution when handling the plant during pruning, re-potting, etc. the sap will not come into contact with our body. Or we can wear gloves as a safety precaution when working with this plant.

And these signs will accompany those who believe:
In my name they will drive out demons;
they will speak in new tongue; they will pick up snakes with their hands;
and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all;
they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.
(Mark 16:17-18, New Internation Version-NIV)


  1. Very beautiful, Nancy, I absolutely love the colours!!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and lovely photos, I really appreciate your posts. Hugs. :)

    1. Linda, thank you and you are most welcome. Hugs, hugs.

  2. Your croton is huge! Birds nesting in it? How amazing.

    1. Ginny, its bushy & nest was hidden by the leaves.

  3. Bless You

    So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. ~Helen Keller

    ALOHA from Honolulu

    1. Aloha Cloudia, bless you too. Memories of our beloved friends will always remain in our hearts.

  4. Must get gardening tips from you, me no green fingers...

    1. Sharon, come and if you want I will bless you with plants too.

  5. You said your garden small only but many nice plants leh.

    1. Yes, only a small garden, but I greedy lo...squeeze in as many plants as I can lor...hahaha.

  6. Nancy, your Crotons are doing very well and flourishing under your good care. The colour is so vibrant and cheerful.

  7. Wow, I did not realize that there are so many varieties of this plant.

    1. Mun, there are many more out there, some are more beautiful than these.

  8. Toxic too I assume, hehe. So pretty. I see a few plants with contrasting leaves next to this.

    1. Yes Stacy, same specie and the sap is toxic.


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